Hello people, I’ve been thinking of getting a RealDebrid account thanks to the recommendation of some folks here but people are saying that the RealDebrid is keeping logs on their users so I am trying to get an account using a VPN. The issue is that if you are using a VPN the only payment option is through Coinbase which I have no idea how to use.

My question is that how have you folks have paid for it anonymously and what you’d suggest for the payment.

      • LoudWaterHombre
        12 years ago

        You can only pay with kyc

        You don’t need to KYC for your real debrid payment

        once you login to your account without it they know your ip

        That’s a real bummer that always applies - that’s why you need to have a kill switch, configure your firewall and check for leaks on a regular basis. I am always connected to some VPNs

          • LoudWaterHombre
            2 years ago

            Well if you want to pay real debrid with crypto, you just select BTC as payment option, then you get redirected to coinbase.

            Here you can select BTC, ETH or LTC, it will then generate a payment string you can transfer funds to from every wallet, no KYC required in any way.

            Other than that, yes VPN is part of a good “OpSec” and will also grant you most probably the privacy need