I haven’t been on here as much as normal as I’ve had a busy week(for me). How is everyone? Anything cool happen?Anything to get off your chest? Or Just shoot the breeze
Was going great until I discovered a new reason to visit the dentist.
Oh, well, just gotta sweat thru the next week, then I can get another root canal.Take care of your teeth while you are young!!!
Oh I definitely feel that. In my case, I did a pretty good job of taking care of my teeth when I was young - never had even a cavity…
Then I was on some medication for too long, which had a million side effects, one of which basically destroys the enamel in your teeth, and now I’m suffering because of that. I’ve been off the medication for a few years now, but the damage is already done.
I feel like I’m going to completely lose all of my teeth before I’m 40 at this point…
Good enough. A very busy week, this week appears to be a return to a more normal level of busy. Some minor social engagements and the starting of a new art project by a loved one.
What’s the project if you don’t mind me asking?
Directing a local community theater production. Very small production, but it fills my heart to see them grow as an artist.
My nose has felt miserable for like a month and I finally have my ENT appointment on Tuesday, so that’s great.
Good luck, I hope something gets figured out
Was at the Salvadoran bakery a block from my place yesterday, and an old woman in line behind me paid for my food. I’m not sure if she thought I was homeless or if she thought I was a lost soul that needed to be helped towards the light… (The woman in line ahead of me had just told me god loved me a few minutes before.)
Either way. Always happy to get free empanadas! Took them home, made Turkish coffee. Favorite brunch.
What an odd expression “shoot the breeze” is. Wouldnt the breeze knock your bullet off course? And if there is no breeze to shoot and you shoot anyway, is the bullet big enough to make a breeze? Important ponderings.
It’s the exact futility of shooting something immaterial that explains the idiom
Fucking fantastic! You?
Not bad all in all. I had a lot of projects to finish but they were all fun art projects so I can’t complain
After roughly five hours of phone calls, on Friday I somehow managed to get a lead on getting my mother back on social assistance. We have an appointment tomorrow for her to apply. I’m hoping that the application actually goes through and we don’t once again get told to screw off.
I’m gonna be exhausted this week!! I have so many appointments.
I was a social worker for a while in what feels like a past life. Trust me, it’s infuriating on their end as well there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to help someone in need and being blocked by red tape and bureaucracy. I hope all goes well, my thoughts are with you
Thank you, I am super incredibly nervous but I hope it ends up going well. Kinda sucks trying to support another person when I myself am on poverty-level social assistance, but if both of us are on it, it will relieve a lot of stress.
It’s been a good week! Unlike a lot of weekends, I’m ready to go for next week. Missing the usual existential dread of another work week, so I’m excited about that.
My week was actually not bad! I adopted a couple of snails from my garden and started a new sourdough starter. I was a bit stressed about those things going well but the snail terrarium turned out great and my starter is bubbling along happily. Work was a bit tiring but at least not awful. Hope y’all are doing well!
Very sleepy this weekend. I wish I have more energy to draw and read more
Sleepy too… I had to force myself not to go to sleep at 5pm.
Honestly, kind of bad. Quitting cigarettes due to GERD or intestinal issues and I am going through irritability and it’s honestly kicking my ass a bit.
It does get better. Keep at it. There’s an app called Smoke Free that did it for me. Icon is a green heart. I’m at 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks. You got this.
Don’t feel too bad about it. I’m in intensive out patient for alcoholism. Two months sober but I still can’t quit smoking. It’s hard, best of luck to you
Pretty good actually! I got to spend some time with my fiancee’s family and managed to find time to put 30 miles on my bike. My dad was under the weather so I wasn’t able to see him, but he’s starting to feel better!
Lots of appointments this week and all of them were good news (surprisingly).
This week only has one thankfully and I already know it’s going to be fine as it’s just to adjust some medication up.
I got 2 big tasks done this weekend, a resin 3D print for a friend and painting about 80ish paint swatches for my miniature paints.
Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there!
Stressful as I have been running into computer hardware issues with no money to guarantee I can fix all possible causes. I love tech but sometimes it’s so anxiety inducing!