My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I’m dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.
Piano is way up there, not just because it’s mechanically simple to learn and understand (press button, note plays, always same note in same place) but because there are just massive amounts of resources to learn how to play. When I had more time, I had a lot of fun playing songs on a light up keyboard hooked up to a computer using Synthesia. I would download a song I wanted to learn (eg Moonlight Sonata), and the keys I needed to press would light up, so I would play the song bit by bit, building muscle memory. I was able to use a music sheet just to remind me of what my fingers already knew. Is it the “right way” to learn? Probably not but it’s fun and easy and that’s what I wanted.
The ukulele is pretty easy as far as guitar-like instruments go. The strings are nylon and there are only 4, so it’s easier to manage. If you like it, you can eventually learn to play the full guitar. And you only need to learn chords, not sheet music.
I second ukulele if string instruments are on the table!
Ukulele is easy, cheap and fun. Very great instrument to learn if you want to have fun without investing too much money and time!
The Triangle. There’s that joke about the guy going to practice each week, he shows up, plays “ding!”, teacher goes “great work, you’re getting so much better! See you next week!”, and then he leaves.
As others have stated: you don’t necessarily need to read music for it to be fun. And there are different ways of notation. Chords, for example, are a great way to learn music without having to read on a per note basis.
Acoustic guitar is fairly easy to pick up. It will take a few days of pain to get your fingers accustomed to pressing the strings though. Takes quite some pressure from your fingers. But after those first few days, you’re golden. It’s also easier to change in which “key” you play a song(oversimplified: how high or low the whole song is).
Piano is another pretty easy instrument to learn chords on. The upside of piano is that you won’t have pain in the fingers for your first few days. You press and you’ll have a sound. It is harder to play in different “keys” though.
Keyboard is an interesting one too: You’ll learn chords like with the piano, but you’ll have acces to more sounds, backing tracks etc in your keyboard if you’d go that route.
Flutes and such are quite easy to get into, but can be a bit less interesting if you only play on your own.
But in the end, most instruments takes practice and time. Just set your own goals on what you find important.
It will take a few days of pain to get your fingers accustomed to pressing the strings
starting with Classical (nylon) strings is easier on the fingers. Or get a ukulele: fewer strings to press.
Speaking as a guitarist, I have to say guitar is the easiest instrument to pick up and almost immediately make a cool sound with. Also, you can use guitar tab to play songs you’re familiar with. Tabs don’t really show rhythm, unlike sheet music, but are simple to read.
practice. Nothing is easy without it. With it even the hardest is possible. So he question is how willing you are to dedicate practice time. Half an hour per day, every day for a few years.
Bongos or cajon are so fun and there are a ton of videos online. Also, uke.
Someone with finger joint issues should probably stay away from cajon - it’s a knuckle-rapping simulator.
Recorder is one of the easiest to learn. If you want something you can use to accompany yourself, guitar is the obvious choice, but it does require some cramped hand positions. If your joints are still recovering you may want to look into keyboards instead.
For what it’s worth, I’ve found leaving to read music for a particular instrument is easier than learning to read it more generally.
Best of luck!
The kalimba is super easy to play. Basically anyone can just pick one up and make something that sounds good!
It’s also very portable and basic ones are very inexpensive. It’s also nice to explicitly see the relationship between music and the notes when you’re learning.
What kind of kalimba would you recommend? I am dealing with what is probably some kind of auto-immune disease that’s attacking my fingers and wrists, so strong instruments would be hard, even now that my hands are getting better with the new medicine I’m on. My fingers are a bit fucked up in shape and I don’t have a super good range of motion. A kalimba seems like it’d be good because I can use my thumbs lol
I got a really cheap one off Amazon for about $35 and my dad loves playing with it and is quite capable even with his Parkinson’s. Just make sure you get one that comes with a tuning hammer.
I am by no means the right person to ask about music instruments from a critical eye or critical ear perspective.
The one that picked up I got off of AliExpress and it is pretty reasonable for sound and durability. I’m sure there’such better choices for someone who wants to have a nicer one.
Oh! I just played one of those today when I went to pick up some reeds for my clarinet
Triangle. In all honesty piano/keyboard is great. It has basic music theory built in.
Here’s everything I have learned to play because it was easy as shit:
- Flute (hardest thing is getting the mouth placement down. Once you have that you’re on easy street; and I think this is probably true of all woodwinds and brass instruments)
- Mouth harp (boingy boingy boingy)
- Ocarina
- Harmonica
- Theramin (pretend you’re a wizard!)
- Tambourine
- Taiko drums
- Bongos
- Xylophone
- Cymbals
- Cannon
The only instrument I have learned that was difficult and took years to get even semi okay at was piano. And I mostly attribute that to my small hands, because I can play so much better on a MicroKORG than a full size keyboard.
Hmm, I’d say the Theramin is easy to have fun with, but to actually learn to play songs it is up there in difficulty with the violin. It is one of, if not THE most precise instrument there is.
A cheap, crappy theramin is harder to play than a really good one. It’s pretty easy to play and learn regardless; you just hold your hand in the right spot… It’s a lot less complicated than fingering a stringed instrument.
Just like a harmonica; I can play things on one off sheet music, but it’s not like I’m capable of busting out Blues Traveler solos. Easy to pick up and learn; but it’s not quite as easy to master.
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I don’t know about easy to be expert, but you can have a lot of fun learning and playing simplified versions of pop songs on a basic guitar. IMHO, every household should have one.
I’m a woodwind person. I have the most fun with flute, but the sax is more accessible in my experience. You could also have fun with a penny whistle, there’s a lot of rep for it and you can play bagpipe repertoire on one too.
The biggest thing is to practice and respect the instrument. There’s a lifetime of mastery ahead of you, and approach it with patience and hard work.
Also, have fun!
Singing, your throat becomes the instrument