Can be food, tools, music, whatever comes to mind
Well, here in Italy they complain a lot about pineapple on pizza but then eat ham on melon
Toast with peanut butter and sriracha. It’s almost like a satay flavour, really good drunk snack!
Similarly, peanut butter & sambal on toast. It’s basically savoury & spicy peanut sauce. Absolutely delightful.
Salsa with cream cheese. Looks like vomit, which is actually a plus because you don’t have to share!
My grandma used to make this. We call it pink slime.
It’s delicious.
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Eggs on hamburgers are awesome, especially over easy!
I tried the peanut butter on my hamburger, and it is okay, but the peanut butter overpowered the hamburger imo. I’d prefer a grilled PB&J to be honest.
Peanut butter goes really well in chicken flavor ramen.
Also peanut butter and pickles.
Allllso peanut butter and jelly.
Salt and anything sweet. Salt is a flavor enhancer and can make sweet flavors pop even more.
Also coffee. It doesn’t make bad coffee good coffee, but it makes it less bad. Doesn’t help Starbucks coffee however, nothing can.
Mmm, salmiak… when you get that perfect hit of sweet and salty at once! 😋
coca-cola + hefeweizen = colaweizen
Sounds vile, is really tasty.
Strawberries and black pepper.
Slice the strawberries and dip them in a bit of black pepper.
Hamburgers with peanut butter and jalapeno.
I’ve only ever tried it once, and no drugs were involved but a Irish o garlic bratwurst, and a Hershey chocolate bar. Sooo good.v
I once added a bottle of cherry Pepsi to my crock pot when making pulled pork and it was damn good.
The liquids used for carnitas are generally: milk, Mexican coke, orange juice and water. I could see the cherry coke being bomb
Ya, anything with sour and sweet notes is gonna help the pulled pork!
I once added a bottle of cherry Pepsi to my crock pot when making pulled pork
was that on purpose or by accident?
On purpose but I was quite high
I always hated the idea to put beans and bananas together. It is a fairly common habit in my country, tho, but it’s a no-no for me in general.
But once I tried a Nigerian dish that had beans, bananas, shrimps and pepper and I absolutely fucking loved it. Seriously, the flavor was from another world.
Forgive the spelling but I think that’s called Egusi and the bananas are plantains, which are more savory than bananas. Really lovely fried!
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Strawberry jelly on tortilla chips! The contrast of salty and sweet create a wonderful blend of flavors in your mouth.
Peanut butter is a massively underrated burger condiment.