Can you imagine being so ignorant that you seek to ban masks.
The considered ban on masks was for protesters.
The idea of not allowing anonymity for protesters has its origins in combating racial violence and the KKK. Klan members suddenly lost a lot of their motivation to assemble in public, once they had to show their faces, those that did were less likely to commit illegal acts and the ones that did break the law were more likely to face legal reprocutions.
The contemplated ban on masks for protesters in Los Angeles was considered following increased violence by masked protesters and was not motivated by covid denial.
We weren’t living in a world with cameras everywhere when the KKK needed to be attacked so vigorously. Times have changed and things should be updated. Especially in a world where bigots are fine marching without masks (see Charlottesville).
But, if a protester has covid…?
They haven’t thought that far yet 🤔
This just in: more than a single factor can exist.
This is preferred. Ultimately solves the protester problems.
Sure, a environment guaranteed to enable the rapid spread of any transmissible disease. I bet this ban wouldn’t apply to MAGA since they are not protesters. Just concerned citizens with hateful banners and firearms.
For real. I wish it were these people killing themselves with their stupidity, not others…
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A mask ban for protesters would also limit our ability to stop a pandemic spreading. Mask bans are a bad idea (especially with creepy af facial recognition around).
People need to stop stereotyping cities as liberal havens.
LMFAO yeah see: NYC. Dude’s pretty much a Republican in Democrat fur.
Well it suits a narrative when there are crime and poverty issues to be exploited for publicity and political gain.
Or just learn what liberals actually stand for. It all makes sense then.
Ah, sweet sweet karma. Unfortunately modern medicine for an Important Person with lots of money will limit its reach, but I hope she has a really unpleasant reaction to the antivirals.
This is notably the woman who, in response to a protest of West Bank land sales that was understaffed by the police said the answer is not to boost police presence at contentious protests, but just to do what she wanted to do already, have more police patrols.
On the one hand LA county has a massive crime issue and the masks aren’t helping. On the other hand, even without masks they still had a crime problem anyway because LASD (almost $4bn budget) sucks at their jobs and there isn’t a lot of support of the current Sherrif from deputies that has been trying to fix them. LAPD ($2bn budget) basically only takes care of the main part of LA city proper itself.
Where I live break-in response times are around 4 hours and anything under that is measured in days, if they show up at all.
Yet another misleading article from u/return2ozma.
The mask ban was for protesters, and has nothing to do with Covid.Rule 4:
- Post titles should be the same as the article used as source.
The post title is the same as as the article title. As of right now, article title is: Los Angeles’s Mayor Was Contemplating a Mask Ban. She Just Got Covid.
I didn’t say he changed it, but he links these kinds of misinforming stories all the time.
I originally wrote the article was misleading, but since they correct the misleading headline already in the first sentence, that wasn’t really true.
So I changed it to the headline which is what is actually misleading.
But since this is misunderstood, I have now changed it back.The fact of the matter is that u/return2ozma is flooding with misleading stories with misleading headlines, no matter how much they are the original headlines, they remain misleading. Those are often stories that in no way deserve to be spread.
I have certainly criticized OP for posting things before, but I’m really not seeing the issue here with their actions. They posted an informative article that you just need to read to understand the headline… or just read the one-sentence preview if you click on the post to comment.
It isn’t their fault that the headline is deceptive. It’s a good article from what is normally a trustworthy outlet and it’s pretty much your fault if you don’t even bother to do the second of the two things I suggested.
“This is bad journalism because I don’t like it!”
Have you read the article? Honest answers only. I feel lile you’re just here to stir. Like the rest of the hivemind downvoting comments that aren’t wrong.
No it’s because the headline is pandering a lie.
the headline is pandering a lie.
Okay, I’ll bite… which part of the headline is a lie?
Because everyone knows Covid can’t spread at protests.
It’s about responding to somewhat opposing public safety concerns. As someone else pointed out in this thread, when protestors are allowed to wear masks they are more likely to commit illegal acts, even violent ones. SARS-CoV-2 is no longer a novel virus. There is now significant immunity in the population and our COVID treatments are much improved, meaning the virus no longer constitutes a public health emergency.
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Shut the fuck up.
Mods finally took it down along with a lot of his other BS. Just waiting for the wounded screaming about censorship.
No thank you, but I appreciate the thought!!
Are we talking about N95s? Oh, hang on, I recognize this username, we’re talking about whatever delusions you’re having today.
The weirdest thing about masks is how easy it was to brainwash the “muh freedoms” crowd against covering their faces just by having a clown in orange facepaint say masks are effeminate. Hope you all enjoy having your entries in everyone’s facial recognition database.
I am actually just going with “muh science” and “muh statistics” on this one… But if all you guys pretend that masks and lockdowns worked then maybe it will become true!
Sure. Browsing YouTube until you find someone who shares your delusions isn’t “science.”
I actually used the government data, but sure, you can believe whatever youtube science you want.
Nah. Let’s read papers from actual scientists. You know, instead of having you look at VAERS and hallucinate conclusions that match your preexisting biases.
Cool, but that data is irrelevant to what I am talking about.
All data is irrelevant to the delusions you are having.
Having raw data is only useful if you’re literate.
Yeah I know, that is why I didnt share it with you…
You remind me of the election deniers that claim to have mountains of evidence but absolutely refuse to share that evidence.
Can you show your source then?
*crickets chirping*
Consider using the stats proved by the rest of the world. It’s got an amazing sample set.
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The strangest part of this was how conservatives used to be the ones pushing for wearing masks as alternatives to vaccinations, because the mindless fear of needles goes waaay back. See, chances are I’m older than you, so I’ve seen these cycles repeat themselves over and over. You’ve only seen it once or twice tops.
What happens is that a politician will dangle a new fear over you, and you will attach to that fear because that’s how our brains work. I am talking universally, not specific to one party or ideology, this is how we ALL work, and leftists are equally guilty of grifting their base the same way.
But you HAVE to understand where this came from, why you’re fighting with people about this, where this came from.
Never mind that people have been wearing face covering for millenia to reduce spreading disease, we have paintings and etching of lepers and plague victims going back thousands of years wearing something to prevent accidental spreading of saliva or body fluids. This isn’t a complicated idea, and a lot of people wear face coverings anyway to prevent illness or for safety around immunocompromised people. This isn’t new, this isn’t something that was planned or contrived, the ONLY reason you’re having arguments with people about face masks of all things is because someone out there knows how to connect your brain to a story to explain how it feels. To make you expend your energy on this, not making our world better or focusing on your elected representatives and what they’re signing into law, and I bet it works great. I bet you don’t get involved in your local politics. Nobody does, nobody spends as much energy on their actual neighborhoods as they do arguing online about props.
See, like with a lot of other things, a lot of us were unsure and worried about the future, so a lot of people trying to get power used masks as their props to fixate that insecurity on. I am not even going to talk about their effectiveness or not, it’s like wearing a hat in the sun, sure it won’t save you from sunburns but it’s just a thing we do to try our best to protect what we can, it’s not a big deal.
Your brain is not a tool of logic and reason, that’s an illusion. It’s a tool to tell you a story to explain how you feel. And it LOVES when someone provides a story for it. Because your brain wants a story that makes sense, not one that’s accurate. There is a difference. A lot of things can make sense and not be true.
It should be a giant, glaring alarm that someone is fucking with your brain when you start feeling contentious about what other people wear on their faces. That HAS to trigger something deep inside that makes you wonder why you’re so emotionally connected to this “debate.”
You got chains around you and they’re going to keep attaching chains until you realize how deeply you’re playing in the WWE theater of political rhetoric. Let this one go, just walk away, it’s objectively a nonsense campaign designed to distracted you.
The outraged reply you’re already pounding out in your head is part of that distraction. You are giving your soul away to others to use as they will. Doesn’t that bother you?
The reason I am fighting about this is because those jackasses lied to us and didnt let people work. I literally had to nearly lay off all of my staff because of this shutdown bullshit. People that couldnt go on unemployment and would have just been fucked. What I care about is the truth, not the propaganda and lies. I am not on one of your guys teams, I am person that likes to think for myself and actually look at facts not propaganda. The story above is obvious propaganda, and I will fight that whenever I see it.
What state do you live in where you can’t go on unemployment if you’re laid off? I got laid off from a part-time job during COVID and qualified for unemployment. And this is in Republican-dominated Indiana.
This sounds suspiciously like you’re doing something underhanded with your employees.
Business might be fictional. They certainly don’t care about facts or reality on this topic. Why would they limit the lies and cognitive biases only to the websites they’re sharing?
Half the time these are 17-year-old middle-class white kids with no worries in the world, raging emotional hormones and a desire to “thrash someone with their incredible intellect” and have no real care for the issues beyond that, they just want to fight and they will lie to their last breath to feel like they’re special and smart.
I really feel like if we could see who most of the people are who push back on so many modern social issues, we would have a lot fewer social issues, because we would be able to roll our eyes and close the door on these literal children who are turning every conversation into a debate with children.
gets shown some facts about masks and propaganda
“I am person that likes to think for myself and actually look at facts not propaganda”
That aside, the way small businesses were left hanging was definitely a political failure. I don’t know what business you have or why you had to fire people, but I’ll happily blame a lack of compensation for businesses that can’t operate.
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all not of legal status
Ah, you used cheap labour from undocumented workers and it came back to bite you? There goes my sympathy.
As for the science, there are studies to suggest measures like shelter-in-place had an impact, and the fact that literally every form of mask reduces risk of transmission at least slightly has been established long before the nature of viral infections was understood. You could easily find these things online or through a university library, given how scientifically versed you are. But I suspect you’d cherry-pick the ones you like anyway, so why bother?
Ah, you just make assumption based on no data, I am the opposite, I actually need data to make conclusions. I “retired” in my 30s, its not about how much money I made, it was that they didnt have much money and they would have been out of work. And they are not “cheap labor”, they are humans that were put in situations outside of their control.
I actually need data to make conclusions.
No, you don’t. I can prove it.
If you get emotional reactions seeing other people make choices about to wear on their faces, you’re dumber than horse shit, you are a toddler, a child, a baby who needs to grow up.
See? That wasn’t hard, no data needed, just plain ol’ simple “common sense.”
Aren’t you guys all about “common sense?” I think It’s common sense to let people make their own choices and not get so hyper about someone else’s political agenda that you have to chime in about… mask bans. It’s just awful. I can’t imagine doing that and looking at the mirror and saying “Yeah, I am making the world better.”
You, one comment ago:
“I didnt read that guys self important comment fully to see if he really had any data in there.”
You now:
“you just make assumption based on no data, I am the opposite, I actually need data to make conclusions.”
So, you refuse to read the data conveniently provided to you, and also claim that you “actually need data to make conclusions.” You’re quickly losing any shred of credibility you have left.
I understand. I assume you paid them well for fair work hours under good conditions, provided for all the safety precautions, worker’s compensation, proper healthcare and all the good things a decent employer would do? Paid taxes on your income to fund the infrastructure you’re using?
In that case, yes, you’re a good samaritan and got shafted by an unfair system.
Doesn’t change the fact that scientific data suggests all those Covid measures had some impact, but I’ll take back my cheap labor comment then.
So you knowingly hire illegal immigrants instead of employing US citizens? What a great guy, getting that cheap labor and avoiding paying unemployment insurance, worker’s comp, social security…
Okay but that addresses no part of my comment, why do you get mad when you see people wear facemasks? Isn’t that kind of strange? Is it helping anyone?
Doesn’t it make you feel manipulated to have others able to make you start having emotional reactions to things you see that you wouldn’t have thought about before?
You go ahead and color outside the lines.
Its good to know you guys are back at it again!
Yeah. we’re back at it. Us.
We’re the “look both ways”, “wash your hands”, “don’t have your money out on the subway” people who live longer.
If we’re back at it - always have been - it’s because we survived; like Darwin suggested.
I am glad that you came back to the religion!
So, what’s your position on people who cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze? Do you like, spread your “underground” news with them? That surgeons only wear all that stuff because it’s a Big Pharma scam? There’s so much out there, countless videos people made showing how masks help prevent the spread of disease, not just Covid, in case you thought somehow Bill Gates 5G microchips were like, specific.
Which Fox News/far right extremist “underground” source you listen to on the daily? I wanna know which sound bites you like to repeat like a parrot, but pass off as your own.
Do surgeons wear masks from a bin at home depot too? Personally I dont care about the rhetoric, I care about data and the data for masks working were not there. The evidence that lockdowns worked was non existent because they didnt. All the shit you made us do didnt work, and that is obvious if you look at actual number not dumb stories like the one this post is about.
Surgeons do wear masks in public for exactly the same reason they wear masks in surgery. Idk what your point is exactly. Lockdowns did work as evidenced by infection rates in lockdown counties vs open counties. It’s stupid whores like you thinking someone is “doing this to you” when it’s happening to all of us.
No lockdowns did not work and we knew that in spring of 2020. I remember watching the CDC data to see what happened and absotely nothing happened. And then later this JPmorgan study came out. Why do you just believe the lies they tell you when there is zero evidence to back it up?
What lockdowns? The brief stint where people stayed home for the most contagious variant? That worked, but people decided that hacking in each others faces was more fun then staying home.
Also, The Sun is a rag.
Cool, the sun didnt do the data analysis…
And literally that data analysis clearly and directly showed it didnt work, but I dont think you are actually intersested in data or facts.
So, a bank said, staying home didn’t prevent a contagious disease from spreading… And you didn’t question that? You were like ‘the money people said so’ and that was good enough…
I mean if you wanted to argue it didn’t work because people didn’t listen and didn’t do the lockdown and went out… That just means people are selfish pricks, not that the science wouldn’t have worked. How do you not piece that together? A bunch of MAGA morons yelling ‘my freedoms’, is largely why it kept going. You trusted a bank over the CDC. Fucking wild.
Wow. You’re linking to a Rupert Murdoch tabloid newspaper to tell us a study from a bank that agrees with the corporate perspective on lockdowns affective their bottom line.
I can’t imagine why it agrees with you.
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Are you under the bizarre impression that surgeons wear N95 masks?
Considering they drastically slowed the spread, yes. And you’re an idiot
Can you show your source then?
I love the ringing silence as they chew on their own tongue trying to decide to even respond to actual data.
There’s a lot of data and hard work in that article from the CDC, I bet a lot of people worked very hard and seriously to assemble that information and give it to the public. Shame how many people will put their own sources: conspiracy blogs and subreddits and AM radio shows, at the same level. Imagine how insulting that is to people working in these major institutions to have idiots who never leave their couch screaming about far-fetched plots from George Soros.
There’s a reason I didn’t say anything else. I’m familiar with that sealion
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You really don’t get it.
Masking and distancing were already well establsihed as early recommendations for flu pandemic strategies for decades prior to covid.
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the distancing thing literally was made up out of nowhere during covid.
But the practice of “maintaining a greater than usual physical distance” goes back to the 14th century, when ships arriving to Venice during an outbreak of the Black Death were forced to quarantine, or sit at anchor, for 40 days.
Your mind seems trapped in a alternate reality of conspiracy, you should absolutely seek some therapy with a licensed mental health professional.
but when you guys pretend that the Mayor of LA wouldnt have gotten covid if she wore a mask
You are imagining a group of people working against you, and projecting your on religious-like belief against anyone not within your strict bubble of expectations of belief.
The Mayor of LA needs to wear a mask to reduce the chance of her spreading it further. Wearing a mask when infected is actually the most useful case for masking. You can be infected without knowing it, so wearing the mask to reduce the particle spread even if you are not symptomatic is absolutely a good thing to do. Wearing a mask when not infected, but around other people, is not and was never posited as a guaranteed protection from infection, but from either side of the equation, infected or not, you still end up filtering even some amount of inbound particles when you are breathing with a proper mask.
Arbitrarily claiming it doesn’t work or didn’t have any measurable difference, especially in the face of linked evidence by actual medical professionals showing it does and it did, demonstrates you are proselytizing belief built with actual misinformation.
all of the major institutions were on onboard.
The ones with the still-accredited doctors? Yeah, those ones, idiot.
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Your kids are going to save so much money on a retirement home.
Hmm, should I trust scientists publishing actual studies that can control for differences… or the certainty unbiased information at covid charts quiz dot com. LOL
Of course when it comes down to presenting “muh science” and “muh statistics” it is always links to shit like this with guys like you.
Who are Tim Scott and Tom Woods and why should I believe they are able to interpret data in a way to make such a quiz in an unbiased way?
What I understood from Tom Woods’s Wikipedia page is that he is a pro-Confederate libertarian.
Well that answers that.
You again, huh?
This article has nothing to do with how effective masks are at stopping covid.
The whole point of the article is to pretend that masks prevent the spread of covid.
Not sure I follow. They’re talking about a mask ban, not a mask mandate right?
Yes, but this person wants to complain about mask mandates and lockdowns and they can’t possibly do something like create their own thread to complain about those things, so can you blame them for going completely off-topic?
They want to ban masks during protests.