I am looking for old-school (html only, mininalist design) programming blogs, that are mainly focused on math, algorithms or systems programming. I also don’t mind a few rants, movies or books reviews, but the content should be mainly technical. Preferred languages: C, C++, go, maybe Rust. Java or Kotlin are also cool as long as it is about the JVM, optimizations, but not Spring or Enterprisy stuff.
For example: https://nullprogram.com/ would qualify perfectly.
If not a list, maybe some links? A digital garden where you keep interesting articles it’s also nice.
I prefer quality over quantity, you know the type of content that usually gets upvoted on hn, without the corporate bullshit or angel investment stuff.
// Some of my rss feeds
- https://j3s.sh/feed.atom
- http://ploum.net/atom.xml
- https://xkcd.com/rss.xml
- https://hnrss.org/frontpage
- https://hnrss.org/bestcomments
- https://hnrss.org/ask
- https://feeds.arstechnica.com/arstechnica/index
- https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog.xml
- https://fabiensanglard.net/rss.xml
- https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/rss.xml
- https://jvns.ca/atom.xml
- https://www.taniarascia.com/rss.xml
- https://ciechanow.ski/atom.xml
- https://danluu.com/atom.xml
- http://stevehanov.ca/blog/atom
- https://manybutfinite.com/feed.xml
- http://feeds.foldl.org/foldl
- http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/rss.xml
- https://seiya.me/atom.xml
- https://sneak.berlin/feed.xml
- https://hnrss.org/best
- http://www.phoronix.com/rss.php
Amazing, you’ve got my point quite well. Added almost everything to my RSS reader.
deleted by creator
The whole list:
- https://sr.ht/~sircmpwn/helios/feed.rss
- https://sr.ht/~sircmpwn/hare/feed.rss
- https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/harelang.org/log/master/rss.xml
- https://harelang.org/blog/index.xml
- https://this-week-in-rust.org/rss.xml
- https://thisweekingodot.com/rss.xml
- https://fabricmc.net/feed.xml
- https://www.scattered-thoughts.net/atom.xml
- https://sr.ht/~technomancy/fennel/feed.rss
- https://taylor.town/feed.xml
- https://helix-editor.com/atom.xml
- https://eldred.fr/feed.xml
- https://phaazon.net/blog/feed
- https://akselmo.dev/feed.xml
- https://wedistribute.org/rss
- https://ledoux.itch.io/bitsy/devlog.rss
- https://osa1.net/rss.xml
- https://github.com/le-doux/bitsy/commits/main.atom
- https://discourse.pijul.org/posts.rss
- https://zserge.com/rss.xml
- https://thisweek.gnome.org/index.xml
- http://ml4711.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
- https://godotwildjam.com/feed/
- https://drewdevault.com/blog/index.xml
- https://hikari.noyu.me/blog/
- https://forgefriends.org/index.xml
- https://fsfe.org/news/news.en.rss
- http://pijul.org/index.xml
- https://astrid.tech/rss.xml
- https://phosh.mobi/index.xml
- https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1004689.rss
- https://triapul.cz/feed/english.xml
- https://j3s.sh/feed.atom
- https://w4games.com/feed/
- http://wreckage.duckdns.org/atom.xml
- https://blogs.gnome.org/shell-dev/feed/
- https://blogs.gnome.org/chergert/feed/
- https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/rss.xml
- http://www.godotengine.org/rss.xml
- https://ploum.net/atom_en.xml
- https://aphyr.com/posts.atom
- https://fasterthanli.me/index.xml
- https://richardcrim.substack.com/feed
- https://pixelfed.social/users/Supernyamo.atom
- https://blog.willowbarraco.fr/atom.xml
- http://flower.codes/feed.xml
- https://www.theveganstoner.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
- https://blog.thefrenchghosty.me/index.xml
- https://blogs.gnome.org/tbernard/feed/
- https://gamesbymanuel.com/feed/
- http://www.mcqn.net/mcfilter/index.xml
- https://www.robinsloan.com/feed.xml
- https://www.ribbonfarm.com/feed/
- https://muxup.com/feed.xml
- https://www.gnunet.org/en/rss.xml
- https://caffeine.wiki/atom.xml
- https://mkremins.github.io/atom.xml
Some highlights:
stumbled across Machine Logic this morning
I read hackernews from feedbro. Found many interesting programming articles since I started.
HN is still a good resource, but I wish spending my time reading what real people have to say, even if i disagree. A lot of articles there are about subjects, or written by “entities” that are not on my radar.
lobste.rs is my favourite hn alternative, but considerably smaller. At least people there are more civil, and being part of the site for a few years made me feel part of community, as i already (virtually) know some of the people there, and appreciate their opinions.
Still, nothing beats the “curation” of content you can achieve by maintaining your own RSS feeds list.
Great rss feed. Not everything is for me, but i did found some good sources of information. Thank you for sharing.