The only thing I really remember wanting to get home faster not to miss a single second of was Pokemon. Before and after that, in my life, the shows I was most excited for came on at prime time (like everything on TGIF back in the day).
Same, specifically Pokemon Orange Islands. I then tried to get into Johto Journeys but it was always filler.
Reading Rainbow
Butterfly in the sky
I can go twice as high
I can go twice as high
Just take a look
It’s in a book
Probably any of: GI Joe, Transformers, and/or He-Man.
But I had to wake up at 6 fucking AM to watch Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors for some fucking reason.
well they were some quick changin fightin machines. I actually found it on one of the free streams and man was that a hokey story line. I was the same though. I don’t recall but it was usually some cartoon because that was what was on at a time I might catch it if im fast enough.
Mtv, back when it only aired music videos.
At various different points of my life: Pokemon, Recess, Kim Possible, the Simpsons, Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents
All in order?
Username checks out
Yeah. The original digimon series was the best. Dont remember much of the story, but the feeling it left is still very vivid.
I don’t remember exactly either, but the villains are very intimidating it was truly an adventure.
My wife said Card Captor Sakura. I remember Gundam Wing and Zenki were on in the early afternoon. YuYu Hakusho was a little later so I was already home for a while by the time it started.
Na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na
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Dragon Ball Z. But that wasn’t on until 5, and I had to sit through the other crap that Cartoon Network played before that.
You didn’t specify WHICH school. Assuming elementary school, it was probably Star Trek. If it was something like college then it would probably have been something like… oh yeah Star Trek.
Bus ride meant I missed a good hour of the 'toons. But every Wednesday evening there was a test of the local fire station’s air siren, and I’d know it was time to rush home and catch MacGyver!
Transformers and thundercats
The 1980’s Thundercats or the 2011 Thundercats (or the newest Thundercats, I don’t judge)?
80s. I was lucky enough to live near a large Japanese population so on Saturday mornings it was Gundam and Dragonball
Weekdays we had Star Blazers. Watched a couple episodes with my youngest who is an artist and boy…we’re there some terrible animations in it!
10yo me loved it though
I would recommend the 2011 version, it’s like they took notes from Avatar.
The Goodies, and Monkey. Can’t remember which one came on first.
Toonami in general
Darkwing Duck. High School and college, actually.
Power Rangers?