How the fuck can Elon Musk claim to be a Trekkie? When he is against everything Star Trek stands for?!
The psychological dissonance of that man is insane!He also claims to love the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a book series where technology corporations are absolutely loathed and every AI is either a broken or an asshole or both.
'The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy describes the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as: “A bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.” ’
Curiously, an edition of the Encyclopedia Galactica which fell through a rift in the time-space continuum from 1000 years in the future describes the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation as: “A bunch of mindless jerks who were the first against the wall when the revolution came.”
We lost Douglas Adams way too soon.
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And I think he has endorsed The Culture books, which also is kinda Startrek on steroids. Omg that universe is amazing.
He also said the Cybertruck is “what Bladerunner would drive”.
he doesn’t actually know a fucking thing about sci-fi.
Like every Conservative, he either knows fuck-all, or only has a surface-level knowledge, about art. It’s why they think a socialist like George Orwell would write books defending their ideals or that songs like “Born in the USA” are patriotic.
Given Musk’s prejudices, that surprises me – especially since in The Culture being transgender is extremely uncontroversial. (Hell, even the spacecraft are permitted to determine their roles and choose their own names; meanwhile Musk is desperately trying to wrench Grok into his own image.)
Musk’s target audience are liberal, West Coast, technocratic, white or upper caste Hindu, brogressives and techbros - men (and the occasional token woman like Elizabeth Holmes) who give lip service to equality and talk a good game about social justice, and then go home to their gentrified neighborhoods and beat their wives. The kind of people who vocally celebrate the anti-capitalist ethic of Burning Man and then spend the burn in a luxurious private compound with dozens of servants and sex workers getting high off their ass while artists perform for them like Venetian nobles patronizing Renaissance painters.
His target audience are precisely the people who would name drop the Culture when promoting their latest startup but revert to moralizing about “traditional Western values” the instant someone actually behaves like a Culture member.
I suspect Gwen Shotwell had more to do with the naming than Musk did.
Musk would definitely be the guy operating a digital hell for everyone who buys his neural backup products and doesn’t pay a monthly fee to opt out.
Ah yes, that too.
Meanwhile his old friend from PayPal seems to have a thing for the villains from The Lord of the Rings universe.
I wonder if he ever read the 5th book, Mostly Harmless. In that book there’s an aside which describes how the people of the planet Golgafrincham tricked all the useless members of their society (management consultants, etc) into thinking the planet was doomed and getting on a ship to escape the planet which they programmed to fly to another salary system and crash into one of the planets there. That part of the book always stuck with me, and more and more I wish there was a way we could do the same to Musk and his billionaire cronies.
Of course I don’t think Musk has actually read any of the HHGTTG novels, especially not the 5th one so maybe there’s still a chance?
Those people ended up dying because the people they got rid of had a use after all, though.
Turns out those telephones really did need to be sanitized.
$10 says he loves the wiki brief of the mos def version.
Or he claimed to be hugely into trek and hhgttg to fit in when in uni and now can’t untangle himself from the lie without an ego blow
The more he says about these things, the less I’m convinced he’s ever watched an episode of Star Trek or any version of HHGTTG. He also thought that Harrison Ford’s character in Blade Runner was named Bladerunner.
I think he likes it because he identifies with the tech corpos and wants to bring that piece of it, complete with shit broken AI to life
What I think is that because they are incapable of empathetic thought, the message gets lost.
TNG’s Time’s Arrow, DS9’s Past Tense, VOY’s Life Line are all just made up stories to them. No human condition there.
I think this is indeed it, unfortunately.
To such sociopaths incapable of empathetic thought, Star Trek is awesome because future and technology and winning battles. So if you’re a tech bro and you’re winning (money) and pushing technology forward regardless of the costs, and everybody knows who you are because of it, well then you must be an awesome human that’s winning at life! Because obviously good life = victorious life.
It’s a common theme. There are a lot of conservatives who are still somehow fans of Star Trek because they the lack media literacy needed to figure out that they’re values are not shared by the good guys on the show.
Remember how conservatives think that Rage Against The Machine is on their side. There’s no delusion too great after that.
It’s not deusion. It’s a cooption narrative. ‘All the cool things came from us!’ Because they don’t create anything of worth of their own
It’s not about values, it’s about image and symbolism. And the fact that a white dude got to go all over the universe telling aliens they’re wrong and they need to accept the American… uhhm Federation way!
Yep. The whole utopian future of Star Trek is mostly off-screen. They talk about how they don’t need money anymore and have abolished hunger, etc. but we never see that in the actual episodes. What we do see is people who are absolutely certain that their way of life is superior to everyone else’s, that the status quo must not be questioned and that the military represents the pinnacle of society.
I have to disagree a little bit on some of that.
What we do see is people who are absolutely certain that their way of life is superior to everyone else’s,
I’d say we see a hell of a lot more than that. We see within the named characters their drive to become better versions of themselves. We see people doing cheesy acts of self sacrifice for the good of others without an expectation of payment, gifts, etc. We see terraforming doing their job for the sake of it. There is a multitude of scenes that take place on earth and various colonies, all in which people are well fed, and live in walkable communities in which quality of life is the primary purpose of production.
I’ve only read two of the Star Trek books at this point (The first two in the Picard series), and we see humanitarian aid missions. We see how production facilities on Mars/Earth operate.
that the status quo must not be questioned
Could you give an example?
and that the military represents the pinnacle of society.
Star Fleet is definitely a military organization, but it is not solely a military organization by a long shot. It seems few people join for the military aspect of it, it always seems to be a decision based on family tradition, or exploration. And when they’re jerking themselves off over the values of Star Fleet, it’s never about the military aspect.
But all of this is either compatible with a conservative reading, or requires more analysis than most conservatives are putting in. I mean I doubt Musk read the Picard books.
But then you go on to mention stuff like family tradition, which is literally a key value for conservatives, especially when it involves joining the military.
Or people being well fed, or valuing self-improvement? Think about all the rightwing grifters who go on about self improvement all the time, or how they claim that communism killed 15 vigintillion people from starvation and only CAPITALISM can feed the world. Conservatives don’t want people to be starving, starving citizens are the sign of a poor society. It’s okay that the Federation doesn’t use money because it is post-scarcity thanks to replicators, a technological solution to the issue of feeding the poor. This is perfectly compatible with the techbro mindset that tech is the solution to all our problems, and isn’t challenging to those who believe that socialism is impossible without advanced post-scarcity technology.
What I’m trying to get at is that all the aesthetics are there for a conservative to read it in a way that is compatible with their ideology, in much the same way that a liberal will read it as a triumph of liberalism or a leftist can interpret it as socialist. It isn’t challenging to those ideologies, because it’s vague enough and alien enough to not map 1-to-1 onto any modern political system.
Conservatives don’t want people to be starving, starving citizens are the sign of a poor society.
Starving citizens are required. They’re there to keep those that aren’t currently starving terrified of becoming that person. (And also to be someone to look down on.)
Okay, but that’s capitalism. There’s the classic cope of “this is simply a requirement because scarcity exists.” They think it’s necessary and unavoidable.
The conservative read of Star Trek is that feeding all its citizens is a sign of the Federation being so rich that it can feed all its citizens without the need for capitalism as we know it. True post-scarcity.
It doesn’t challenge their belief that starving citizens are required in the modern day. If anything, to a conservative techbro like Musk, it reaffirms their beliefs because it’s all about how rich the Federation is and how feeding the whole world would require massive advances in technology like replicators. It’s even a common plot point how other civilizations want access to Federation replicators and other tech.
What I’m trying to get at is that all the aesthetics are there for a conservative to read it in a way that is compatible with their ideology
I agree that’s the case. What I disagree on is the vagueness of the values of Star Fleet/The Federation, and how much of it we see in effect. There is plenty both on screen and off screen to see.
vague enough and alien enough to not map 1-to-1 onto any modern political system.
Sure, it doesn’t map one to one. But it also makes it very clear that conservatives values are wholely incompatible with Federation philosophy. It’s a psuedo democratic socialist state.
I agree that democratic socialism is probably the closest IRL system, I just think it’s fairly vague about it and any assertions are easily glossed over or disregarded as fiction, or attributed to the advanced tech.
It comes back to the disconnection of tech, the vagueness, the allegory. You don’t see queer people, you just see allegories for queer people that are either safer to accept or just aren’t acknowledged as allegories. You don’t see Federation imperialism being questioned that much, they’re pretty much always right. The only meaningful people who question it are the Maquis, and Sisko loses himself in his vengeance and pursuit of them (but is never humbled for it—from the audience’s perspective, he’s right). And then there’s S31, which is fascist to begin with.
And I’m just talking about canon here. Not the books or anything like that.
Technically money was abolished prior to the invention of the replicator, but we never hear any details about that. The most detail we get is a one off line in Voyager about a “New World Economy”.
They don’t flesh out what the economy actually looks like, or how we got here without replicators. The “without replicators” is an important bit, which might seem like a random thing for me to be focusing on but I’ve talked to conservative fans who will often cite replicators as something that would be required for the Federation’s socialism. Even liberal fans often think that. The message of the show is about post-scarcity, not workers owning the means of production. It’s not socialism in the ways that it exists on earth, and so conservatives don’t hate it.
Also they seem to have gotten rid of the enlisted portion of the ranks. Everyone in Starfleet is an officer.
I think he didn’t really get that “Picard gets a neurological link to the Borg” == “not good”…
Imagine he’s developing the Neurolink because he thought it was good.
To be fair there would be some interesting consequences to a hive mind, it’s almost like having perfect empathy. You would have no desire to harm anyone else, because you’d be literally harming yourself.
I was hoping the plot in Picard was going to kinda go this route, and just like the Borg were in part a critique of Soviet communism, it could have presented a more anarchism inspired idealistic version of communism framing a queen-less Borg collective as a perfect consensus-building cooperative community.
But if they were queen-less, how would they come to any decision?
In ants the queen doesn’t make the decisions the hive mind makes the decisions. No one individual makes the decisions any more than any particular brain cell is in charge of you.
I’m very fond of the idea of the Borg and having their hive mind nature be a bit more at the forefront. In that current iteration the borg can’t really a hive mind they’re more just a bunch of zombies controlled by a single person.
I was so disappointed when they introduced the Borg queen. The hive mind concept is so interesting and it suffered greatly afterwards. Just like when in Discovery they moved the interestingly widespread Control into a single body, so that it could be easily dealt with. I see it as lazy writing and not enough fantasy.
First iteration was better “I am the borg”. The single voice of the hive mind to deal with a singular protagonist.
(If you want you can play with the idea that creating a queen was a mistaaake and now the hive is ruled by petty tyrants)
how do you come to a decision reconciling your many internal perspectives and various senses? it’s just a higher scale consciousness after all!
I think that version of a hive mind is way more powerful and interesting than the Queen/drone metaphor. But I guess Trek needed to be able to defeat them somehow.
I would happily be in a hive mind if there was the option to leave it whenever I wanted and if the technology was safe.
I don’t think you could do it in Trek easily due to the Borg baggage, but I’d love a sci-fi exploration of the positive sides of hive minds. If you include the idea of voluntary participation you could lean further into making it an anarchism allegory as I mentioned in another comment.
Like I also already said, I think Picard had a chance to do this but completely blew it in favor of a “benevolent dictator” idea instead.
The same way so many idiot fans seem to think star trek is “too woke” now lol
…I’m sorry?
It’s a thing repubs said when we got a black female captain (who btw has had the best captain arc since Picard.
And now we’ve got two black female captains with great archs!
You don’t have to apologize. It’s ok.
Why are you sorry
I dunno. Hang out around Trekkies and you can meet some real knuckleheads. People who seem to have missed the whole point.
I think the closest thing Elon is to Star Trek would be a Romulan/Ferengi hybrid wannabe. Dreaming of having a star ship to manipulate, conquer and extort the galaxy.
He’s TOS Star Trek. Be a cowboy, cheat and be venerated for it, white man is in charge.
That is not TOS. That is a person like Elon’s idea of TOS. I grew up on TOS before any other Star Trek existed. It helped shape my values- made me cherish ideas like inclusion and diversity and equality. It also helped teach me to talk things out rather than just come in guns blazing.
Yes, there was a cowboy element to TOS considering Gene sold it to executives as “Wagon Train to the stars,” but it doesn’t have the typical morality of a Western. At all.
In fact, if you want to talk specifically about indigenous Americans, the episode The Paradise Syndrome had a far more positive view of them than pretty much anything else on TV at the time.
For real, that’s SNL Star Trek. The surface parody of the show based solely on a handful of Kirk’s more outrageous exploits. Real Trek fans know that Kirk was a total nerd who read classic literature and studied old Earth history for fun.
People (Elon) see what they want to see.
Cowboy in this sense is not a good thing. It’s the do whatever the fuck I want to thing.
cowboy /kou′boi″/
A reckless person, such as a driver, pilot, or manager, who ignores potential risks.
Kirk was absolutely not about “I’ll do whatever I want to.” If anything, he was less like that than Picard. He was much more by-the-book even though he had a reputation as a maverick. But he was overall pretty strict about adhering to Starfleet regulations.
Obligatory comparison:
of course THEN, we get to the next layer, which is that Spock is the dude who told the Vulcan Science Academy to fuck itself, while Riker plays the trombone.
Hahaha, the Federation is indeed a confusing place.
Janeway on it
Bub, trek was revolutionary for its time, and in some parts still is. But it is going to age as we advance, and that’s not a bad thing - we want to progress to and past that
Okay? The person I responded to is still wrong about TOS.
TOS had the same basic values, even if they weren’t quite as refined.
The show from the 60s with a black female bridge officer who was part of television’s first interracial kiss? The one with the utopian society where race and religion were unimportant, people worked as they were able to benefit society without capital, and episodes centered on things like the silliness of prejudice and hoarding wealth?
The one where the greatest villain was a 20th century human who had tried to establish a stratified society based on genetic superiority?
That show?
I agree with your point, but FYI that was far from television’s first interracial kiss. The BBC in the UK has them beat by 14 years on that one (British man and Maori kissing).
If you specifically mean black/white kiss, then the BBC in the UK again would take it, this time 13 years earlier, when a black man repeatedly kissed a white woman in a screening of Shakespeare’s Othello.
Musk wants the Terran Empire, not the Federation
His profile picture does depict him wearing armor after all
People fail to realize that we’re in the mirror universe and the universe Star Trek exists in is the unattainable utopia.
I mean the Bell Riots happen in 2024 in the Prime Timeline. The 21st century sucks in Star Trek. Eugenics wars, Sanctuary Districts, WWIII, fascist dictatorships using soldiers addicted to drugs…
It’s only after a nuclear holocaust that humanity is reborn into their “hopeful era”. I mean hell, they literally had to retcon the timeline because the 90s weren’t actually as awful as the show claimed and they had to move the Eugenics Wars. The 21st century is dark in the Prime Timeline, and it’s fully believable that it was just as bad as our real 21st century or worse.
So no, as easy as it is to cave to doomerism, I think the message of Star Trek is that this too shall pass. Stuff sucks, no doubt, the world is in a dark place right now, but that doesn’t mean it will stay that way.
I like to rewatch DS9: “Past Tense” sometimes because it really hits home how bad things are, but also gives hope for how maybe there’s a future in which we look back and wonder how things got this bad.
[Section 31 has entered chat]
Does that mean Musk is a decent human being in the Mirror Universe?
he COMES from the Mrirror Universe.
Guess he killed the presumably nice Musk that was already here.
The nice musk was actually IN the Tesla roadster that was launched a while back, and mirror musk just shaved his goatee and stepped into his place after the launch.
Holy shit, what a way to get rid of the evidence!
Right? Almost as good as blowing up your own starship!
must be pretty early, perhaps Solar City era?
Yeah it’s pretty clear this is a
ST:Disco spoiler
Lorca situation
Robert Picardo is great
Robert Picardo is an absolute treasure.
So I hate to tell you this, but I’m pretty sure Robert Picardo is a hologram…
Sure, but he’s made of “hard light”, if you get my drift 😏
Master of the wit and the repartee.
His command of space directives is uncanny.
How come he’s such a genius?
Don’t ask me!
Ask Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer.
He’s also a fantastic swimmer.
And if you play your cards right
Then he just might come round for dinner.
What are you trying to say? That a hologram is not a person but a mere tool?
“If Picard can baldly go where no one has gone before, then why not Picardo?”
I’ve had a man crush on him for decades now.
What a fucking beauty. Isn’t Robert Picardo just a fucking beauty?
I hadn’t seen Innerspace in forever, and I was delighted when I watched it recently and he popped up in a cowboy costume and a Russian accent.
Love that voice
I’ve wondered why he said yes to a bit role in Atlas Shrugged, but I guess everyone needs work.
fucking poser. every piece of media you claim to love is a protest to your entire existence.
Haha guys I too love what you like! Such shows as: (small faction of desperate yet brave people breaking out of their dystopic society) I very much like (main character)!!
Second step: abolish capitalism, and by extension billionaires, and give everyone free healthcare and education.
Don’t forget, food and shelter. Pretty sure that was free too
(Who downvotes this?)
Delusional temporarily embarrassed millionaires and billionaires.
Don’t mind their working class appearances at the moment, they’ll get a lucky break and be set back to their high status.
Yeah nothing says “I support a post-scarcity economy” like a bunch of billionaires
IMO if you’re a billionaire and stay a billionaire, you’re incapable and unworthy of being called altruistic. Nobody needs a billion dollars. Nobody even needs a tenth of that. There should be a $1 million annual asset cap on all income sources, full stop. Everything else should go to social services, infrastructure, etc. and NOT person or military anything.
Well, okay but selling a single family home these days goes for over a million commonly in the cities, even if it’s your only family home and for example you are moving into smaller home or selling for money for health care or to move into retirement home etc
A home you could have bought between 30-50 k 30 or 40 years ago could easily be worth over 1 million now
But doesn’t that have a lot to do with the fact that millionaires and billionaires are buying property and jacking up prices? If the cap is 1 million and someone sells their house for 1 million, if they make any more money that year, it goes to taxes. That would give incentive to people to actually live life instead of being completely focused on the rat race. I don’t think 1 million is a good cap, certainly not with the value of the dollar being what it is. However, I do think setting a cap and having it automatically lower a little bit every few years is a good idea. That would need to also be accompanied with a limit on liquid assets to be gradually taken down as well, if anyone is hoarding money, they would be forced to either give it away or donate to charity if they didn’t want all of it going into public programs. There shouldn’t be limit on what someone can buy/own.
I disagree with giving go charity to get out of paying for public services. Tons of shit charities out there.
But they’re shit because the people who work for them take all the money. With the cap greed is a much smaller factor and would likely lead to those charities to either get their shit together or shut down
Edit: and you’re right in an ideal government charities wouldn’t even be necessary because taxes are handling everything a charity would but it will never be perfect and I think giving people the option of where their earned money goes would be a lot less aggravating than being forced to give it to the US government
A million a year barely lifts you beyond the middle class these days. You would still need a mortgage ( at least for a couple of years ) where I live.
I think maybe $10 million would be better. But I prefer a progressive system over a cap. Earning more money should always make you more money. People respond to incentives. We just need to increase the tax rate as high as 90% by the time you are making $10 million or more.
If a few billionaires had $100 million, it would not wreck society.
I mean, I like to shit on Billionaires as much as anyone, but they don’t really own a Billion dollars like sitting around in their bank accounts. They own it in assets like stocks of companies, real estate, etc. The money they spend are usually loans against these assets which they then pay back by selling some because their values usually increases more than the interest rates.
So I don’t understand how you are envisioning this asset cap and going to social services. Imagine you have stock In a company that’s growing more than a million dollars. Would they be forced to sell the stock to ‘social services’? Who controls these assets then? Or are they forced to sell them? Then the assets just get passed around.
I don’t think a solution is that simple. Maybe it would be better if we regulate the companies more. But for that we need to agree on rules on an international level because otherwise, as it is now already happening, they just switch their HQ to less regulated countries. The EU approaches this with regulations you need to follow if you want to operate in the EU at all. Which makes the corps found subcorps to operate in EU. They evade all regulations as long as we can’t agree on an international standard.
Long story short. It’s not the billionaires money that’s the problem, it’s the power they hold in their assets in multinational corporations that enables them to operate above any laws of one nation.
Finally, a self-driving car with actual intelligence.
For those that don’t know, the Johnny-Cab self driving taxis from this movie are voiced by Robert Picardo
What?! Awesome!
And since I had to double check if I remembered right, the film is Total Recall
Edit: Looking closer, I can see the family resemblance between JohnnyCab and EMH.
The puppet’s face is also based on Picardo’s
I always liked him as The Cowboy (see movie Inner Space), don’t knock just come! I didn’t watch Voyager when it was new and took awhile to make that connection when I did. He’s an extremely different character than the EMH for sure.
Please state the nature of the emotional emergency
Please state the nature of the emotional emergency
Severe burn. Dermal regene…no, make that cranial regenerator, please…
Don’t forget the mint frosting!
Honestly? This is a good retort. He’s probably upset about something stupid and shouting into his echo chamber about stupid thing.
Musk would de-Tuvix Tuvix and then also shoot Tuvok and Neelix once they were separated.
So annoying how this guy gets credited in DIS.
Yeah, but by Mirror Lorca, so that does cushion the blow.
Everything makes sense when you realize our Elon Musk is a Terran.
Oh shit you’re right, it all falls into place once you figure that out!!
And now Ricky Martin is in my head.
Livin’ la vida Loca!
I watched this wayyyy after Musk turned evil and I thought it was really good foreshadowing that maybe Lorca isn’t the best guy.
I don’t think that was intentional… But it did genuinely make the twist better for me
Yeah but everyone else found it normal. Weren’t there even schools named after him? Maybe I’m misremembering.
And yeah if did happen before he went full mask-off. But there was still accusations of weird behaviour towards women, still overworking employees, still massive union-busting efforts, etc.
There are schools today still named after confederate generals. I will think of you as bad for idolizing them but I wouldn’t find it super strange if someone listed a school named after one.
Meh, it sucks that it was added at all but I think it aged well personally.
SpaceX probably will go down in history as an important step in space flight. Star Trek’s 23rd century apparently didn’t solve the problem of giving too much credit to historical monsters who were technically in charge of things.
Think Edison or Christopher Columbus. They’ve gotten a lot of reeximination in recent decades for being assholes, but they were heroes in the popular imagination for a long time.
People were cringing about it even when it came out. Elon may not have gone full mask off yet, but he was headed there.
That is the type of burn that requires a broom and dust pan instead of a cream.
The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, Elon.
That’s my The Doctor. Sorry, Dr. Who fans.
What’s this from?
Stargate: Atlantis!
Robert Picardo played Richard Woolsey, a member of the Stargate Program’s international oversight committee. In the fifth and final season, he was made head of the Atlantis Expedition in the Pegasus Galaxy. Here, he is standing next to Dr. Jennifer Keller played by Jewel Staite.
If you want to get into that life, be prepared to watch a major motion picture, a made-for-TV movie turned pilot, 351 44-minute-long episodes over 17 seasons of three television series, two more made-for-TV movies, and a 10-webisode origin series, not to mention literature set in that universe. The visual media took me six months to binge watch the first time I did it.
Sexy af
He’s rocking that “the Picard” haircut.
Why is Barty Crouch Jr. side-eyeing Lewis Zimmerman?
Why is Crowley side-eyeing Richard Woolsey?
Thats not lewis zimmerman, thats The Cowboy
The only thing this shit stain knows about Star Trek is that the doors slide to the side.
Kes please get a dermal regenerator for that burn