While rebutting another post here on Lemmy, I ran into this. This says exactly what I want to say.
I am not a friend of Biden’s Administration. I think they drug their feet over a variety of things ranging from holding Trump and his goons accountable for January 6th through rulemaking on issues like OTC Birth Control and abortion rights, and yes, I think he’s too quick to please big business. But then I remember what the alternative is, and … well, disappointed in Biden or not, I’m voting for him. Because my wife is a Black bisexual goth woman, four strikes under Team Pepe’s tent. And I have my own strikes for marrying her as a White dude, and respecting her right to not have kids since she doesn’t want them is another strike against me. And I care about my Non-Christian, Gay, Transgender, and Minority friends, and will never willingly subject them to Team Pepe.
You’re ignoring the big elephant in the room. This whole “lesser evilism” schtick that the bootlicker Dems have been relying on since 2016? It’s inevitably going to hit rock-bottom - and soon, too.
This whole “lesser evilism” schtick that the bootlicker Dems have been relying on since 2016?
Since 1948 at least.
Alright guys, get your Lemmy Political Retard bingo card out! Let’s see how many we can hit! I already got the system is fucked and are we really reduced to these choices?. Oh! I just got democrats need to pull their head out of their ass!
Okay. Vote for a literal Nazi or don’t vote for anyone and let a literal Nazi tale office, again.
Either way, I don’t really give a flying fuck what you get on your political bingo card, you enabled a literal fucking Nazi tale the office, again and I’ll think you’re an abject idiot so I guess we’ll all good.
Vote for a literal Nazi
I was going to vote for a third party who was neither a Nazi nor a geriatric buffoon.
you enabled a literal fucking Nazi tale the office
My guy, you need to sit down and look up what the Electoral College is. No single person is in any way remotely responsible for Donald Trump’s presidency, except maybe the 304 electoral college delegates who had the privilege of being in the majority in January of 2016.
Trying to blame individual voters in a system that deliberately disempowers individual voters is ignorant and foolish.
My guy, you need to sit down and look up what the electoral college is.
Hillary lost Michigan by 10k votes, one of the key states whose 16 electoral votes were a major train went despite Hillary winning the popular vote, that fat, orange, white supremacist won the election.
You say a single voter doesn’t matter but when you currently have 100k in Michigan voting ‘uncommited’ in the Democratic primary against the backdrop of you lost an entire god damn election by 10k, yeah maybe that single voter might actually be important. But you just keep that head in the sand and mumble how or can’t ever happen again.
Hillary lost Michigan by 10k votes
Hillary lost Michigan for the same reason Romney lost Michigan. She campaigned on a platform of international trade deals and domestic deindustrialization. Folks in the Midwest consistently hate that.
Biden’s running a ten-point approval gap relative to Gretchen Whitmer, doing all the annoying toxic shit Hillary did. If he loses Michigan in November, that’s why.
You say a single voter doesn’t matter but when you currently have 100k in Michigan voting ‘uncommited’ in the Democratic primary
100k is a lot more than a single voter. And this is an entirely unforced error on Biden’s part. He’s continuing to sponsor a nightmarish genocide in Palestine - one that virtually nobody in his party actually supports and which has poisoned huge swaths of the independent electorate against his presidency.
That’s not something a “single voter” can fix. That’s a direct consequence of Biden’s own foreign policy. The only voter who can save Joe Biden from a loss in Michigan is Joe Biden.
Gotta stop lumping all the players in one side together. Biden is not doing anything by himself and neither is the fat orange. Gotta pull out the microscope to see who is who and where and why rather than hitting on a single name. The house and senate are the major string pulling yoyos in everything that comes out of washington
Biden is not doing anything by himself and neither is the fat orange.
That is a big part of the problem. If Biden’s camp was full of Green New Deal Dems and peaceniks and Justice Party economic reformers, I’d have a lot easier time supporting him.
Instead, he’s surrounded himself with corporate flacks, banksters, MIC ghouls, and evangelicals, hoping to peel off the moderate Republican wing of the conservative party one more time.
The house and senate are the major string pulling yoyos in everything that comes out of washington
I would say that the donors are at the end of the strings, while House and Senate simply dance to their tunes. And when you consider how much influence a guy like Sam Bankman Fried had with “blue state” senators like Gillibrand and senior white house advisers like Steve Ricchetti, I gotta say I’m not thrilled to see the direction this party went in his first four years.
Even before you get to the Palestinian Genocide or the continued US blockade of Cuban ports or the migrant prisons lining the US border or the rapid domestic increase in carbon emissions under a President who claimed to acknowledge climate change, it seems like liberals cannot bring themselves to see the naked mismanagement, graft, and cowardice of the current President.
Boeing airliners are literally falling out of the sky and Biden’s FAA is still dragging its heels, for fear of upsetting one of the nation’s most well-financed lobbying teams. No federal prosecution of the Trump Administration is scheduled to move forward before November.
By any standard, this Presidency has been a failure.
By any standard, this Presidency has been a failure.
The US’s forecast 2030 emissions of more than 5bn metric tonnes is significantly higher than the 1.9bn metric tonnes it was allocated by the analysts under a 1.5C-compatible fair share model.
This, combined with our largest trading partners - from China to Mexico/Canada to Saudi Arabia - all doing even worse, means a marginal decrease in emissions domestically will have no hope of meeting the 1.5C target for 2030. We are already cresting the 2C horizon this year and accelerating our rate of warming.
The infrastructure act has been far too little and far too late, even setting aside how much of it is being squandered to appease profit-hungry American industrialists, more concerned with competing against global imports than curbing the global warming rate.
I find myself having to repeat this over and over.
Consider the context of the OP.
Would Trump be better on this front?
I had a much better time with a Trump/Pelosi government than I’m having with a Biden/Johnson government. If nothing else, watching him get impeached again would be more entertaining than arguing over how much nerve gas to send to the Israelis.
I asked if Trump would be better on climate and you attempted a pivot but you’re not gonna bullshit me.
You’re not serious so I’m out.
I asked if Trump would be better on climate
If you want to go hard on the numbers, Trump’s pandemic was the best thing to happen to the climate since the early Obama Administration investment in green energy.
Joe Biden has seen nothing but emissions growth since he took office. The benefits of the Infrastructure Act remain speculative at best. But shutting down air travel for months and curtailing business activity nationally for the better part of two years? Possibly the greatest act of Degrowth committed in the United States since the Civil War.
You’re not serious so I’m out.
Democrats have all been on board with Crypto investments and AI expansion, both of which have been voracious consumers of domestic energy and water reserves. Republicans consistently tank the Tech sector while in office.
If you care about climate change, bankrupting Silicon Valley would be a great place to start.
By any standard, this Presidency has been a failure.
Yep so let’s help elect an actual fascist that says he’ll finish the job in Gaza, has never seen a corrupt dollar that he didn’t want deposited in his bank account, wants to shoot protestors, extrajudicially executed antifa in the Pacific Northwest with federal goons, wants to be a dictator “only on day one”, and has already attempted to overthrow the government because he didn’t like the way an election turned out.
Also, nevermind the fact that in a global pandemic the fucking guy wanted us to inject disinfectant, said the disease would go away like magic, had store shelves so empty we were wiping our asses with our hands, and had his administration steal crucial supplies from frontline workers to auction off around the country.
Also set aside that he will let Russia steamroll Ukraine and will probably try to get the US out of NATO.
And that he’s been indicted with something like 90 criminal counts and a dozen or more civil cases, some of which have already rendered judgements against him.
And nevermind the non-stop craziness of the general population when he was originally elected in 2016 who while flying his flag ran over protestors with their cars, screamed at people on airlines, went to pizza places with weaponry demanding answers.
Biden didn’t singlehandedly turn everything around from it being a country on active fire in four years, so let’s put Trump back in to finish the job both abroad and here at home.
We’ll be a nice smoldering pile of rubble by next election season.
– 💩🔥🇺🇸
Yep so let’s help elect an actual fascist
Again, I refer you to the Electoral College.