edit: This is a volunteer position! No admins are paid.

Lemmynsfw is looking for one or a few new site-admins to help our team. Responsibilities will include helping with reviewing and acting on reports, weighing in on user content, and helping foster our local communities. Experience with system’s administration would be a good bonus as that may be something you could help with, but is not necessary. You will have to be willing to use matrix to communicate with other admins and mods.

You also MUST be over the age of 18 to apply to this position(obviously).

Applicants should have the following qualities:

  • An account on Lemmynsfw
  • Experience moderating a diverse group of individuals from many geographic, religious, and LGBTQ+ backgrounds.
  • Able to commit to at least 3 hours a week.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and communication.
  • Solid conflict resolution skills.
  • Must be able to speak English.
  • Works well asynchronously with remote teams.

Bonus skills:

  • Ansible workflow automation
  • Docker/Docker Compose
  • Linux Bash scripting
  • SQL / Business Intelligence software skills
  • General Sys Admin knowledge

If you’re interested, please fill out this google form

If you fill this out we may contact you and ask for additional information that may be personally identifying to prove you are over 18

    • Raven
      66 months ago

      That’s my husband, remember hearing over teams many times “Not you, we don’t need a scorched earth” when trying to find a lead to resolve an issue lol.

  • @lobster_fowl@lemmynsfw.com
    35 months ago

    How has the search been going?

    Also I appreciate the work you put in to run this place, it genuinely seems like a positive place on the internet.

    • lemmyposter212OPM
      6 months ago

      You can still apply, we could use help with server administration! Just put that you’re majority interested in the administration part in the additional comments field

    • lemmyposter212OPM
      5 months ago

      We removed it for valid reasons and it will be back when it can be

      • @throwaway42069@lemmynsfw.com
        15 months ago

        A majority of people want it back. Not having it has made this instance go to complete shit. What does “when it can be” mean give us some hard numbers for this not some vague promise of some point at some time. If i write a bot to comment on every post and comment with the words “upvotes me as downvote” will u ban it?

        • lemmyposter212OPM
          5 months ago

          It would be a spam bot, so yes. What does a spambot have to do with this at all? Also these are opinions, you ask me for hard numbers when you yourself are stating your opinions as fact. We had multiple reports of harassment and brigading downvotes. We’ll revisit the issue when lemmy updates and/or we can potentially have more moderation tools. I’d love to submit a PR and have fuzzy downvotes and hiding negative comments based on downvotes but, currently I don’t know rust and even if I did this instance is pretty much run by 2 volunteers and we both have day jobs, so to reiterate, it will be back when it can be.

  • Raven
    16 months ago

    I am not volunteering the position, but I am throwing myself in as a tech advisor, or part time helper if it is needed.
    My brain is better than my body lol.