This happened to me recently, there’s a group of people confusing me for a humanitarian artist because I stood up for her in front of the wrong people, and now I notice my copyrights/trademarks are intertwined with hers because the misconception is socially innate.

  • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
    176 months ago

    Same thing that always happens, I got asked where something was in a store I don’t work at.

    Doesn’t matter what I wear, apparently I just scream “retail employee”. It’s gotten depressing, kinda.

    • JackFrostNCola
      26 months ago

      I get this sometimes if i wear my black work polo to a shop after i finish work, though i take a small bit of satisfaction in saying ‘yeah no idea mate’ and turn and walk off and keep browsing. They usually stare for a few seconds with mouth open before they realise the assumption/mistake they have made

    106 months ago

    I am bald with a beard and glasses. So everyone thinks I am their friend with the same properties and completely different face.

    96 months ago

    I constantly get asked if I am Seth Rogan online. I had no idea who that guy was. They thought I was trying to deflect. I don’t watch TV or Movies. So I had to look him up. I guess he is some dude known for smoking marijuana or something. I don’t think I sound anything like him.

    96 months ago

    Was out at a bar with my gf and another girl friend. Some random guy put his arm across my shoulder from behind and pulled up into my view, went “Heyyy prett- whoawhoa” cue nervous/awkward laugh. I guess, to him, I was the prettiest of the three girls until he realised there were only two girls and a guy hah

    86 months ago

    Back in the summer I had been to the shops, done my shopping and sat in my car downloading podcasts to have easier access to them on carplay, when a 10-12 year old girl opened the backdoor on my car.

    I just said “wrong car” to her, she looked shocked, closed the door and walked to her mom standing by a nearly idendical Seat Leon, just a few parking spots further down.

    26 months ago

    Me and another guy at the company I work for both have the same somewhat uncommon first name and are involved in a lot of things that have people reach out to us for assistance frequently. Every couple months I’ll get an email or instant message asking about something he does and I’ll be like “Oh, you want the other <my name>”.