And this one. This one speaks to me too.
Obligatory “Janeway is my spirit animal” remark lol
As someone who has never been a “morning person”, this gif really speaks to me.
This morning, I’d absolutely settle for a cup of Neelix’s chunky “better than coffee”
Just have B’Elanna beam it directly into Katie’s bloodstream. 1 to 1 replacement should be fine for her.
From: Janeway@ Command.Voyager
To: NeelixGuide01@ Guest.Voyager
CC: Chakotay@ Maquis.TempSubject:
Per my last death threat…To whom it will concern…
“To whom is about to be very concerned…”
I hope this email finds you before I do
Ze fallen Madonna Wiz ze big boobies!
deleted by creator
Can’t you see, we’re talking, white.
I never understood why she even goes to the gallery for coffee
I guess the same reason we go to coffee shops instead of just making it at home. Plus, early on, they were still rationing replicator usage, but this is from season 5 after they mostly abandoned that. In this one, though, all but a few of the replicators are down because of the subspace sandbar they were stuck in.
I know they were rationing the replicators, but that coffee came from somewhere, whether it’s the replicator in the galley, or the replicator in her quarters. I did not remember that they were broken in this episode.
Early on, Neelix was making some things similar to coffee, and I guess they foraged it from a planet. One of those coffee-like concoctions was chunky / goopy. I think a couple of times later in the series they differentiate between “coffee” and “Neelix’s coffee” so I guess he got better at it or the crew developed a taste for it.
It’s a good theory. But no way in hell this cold hearted murderer (Don’t judge, I love her for her ruthless pragmatism and badassitude) would drink anything but the real deal.
Hey, if you call her a murderer you must in the same breathe cal her a twice over savior.
Damn straight. Rank Hath Its Privileges.
It’s a few doors down on the same deck. Folks like taking breaks and a change of scenery. The few times she really did want to hold up in her office she definitely had the capacity to hide away in there.
Quite a gamble, when you can only tolerate Neelix for a maximum of 30 seconds
Doesn’t she actually explain that in uh… The one where they’re in the void, I think? I think the meme image is even from the scene I am thinking of. She’s in the galley at like 3am or something because she couldn’t sleep and just wanted to walk around. Ended up there having coffee and looking out the windows. She mentions that she does it often.
I would only expect Galaxy-class ships to have onboard art galleries.
Partner, quelling my rage at the beyond horrendous iOS predictive keyboard already takes too much of my energy. This shit was literally better 5 years ago.
Better: less ducks
Worse: pretty much everything else
Duckin’ A. (I did this manually because iOS corrected “Duckin’” into Fuckin’. Because OF COURSE IT DUCKING DID)
Earl Grey, Hot.