Every time I see something like this I’m reminded of Plato recording Socrates’ whinging that books are destroying society and no one can remember anything anymore.
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The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish hours! Confound him too, who in this place set up a sundial to cut and hack my days so wretchedly into small portions!
Looks at the world’s mental health issues post smartphone…
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And there’s a lot of things that were just straight up not recognized.
People bitch about how there’s “more” ADHD, but when I was a kid, the prevailing knowledge was that girls don’t have ADHD. Cue the meteoric “rise” in cases.
(There’s a million other things I could’ve used as an example but I used ADHD because I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 36.)
Look at the world’s mental health pre smartphone.
This ain’t nothing new.
Let’s look at mental health issues pre smartphone:
LGBT+? You’re insane.
Disobedient wife? You’re insane.
Smartphone or social media?
i dont think this is commentary about phones, specifically. more like we work, machines play.
wrong choice of imagery by the artist perhaps
I think its message is only hindered by those viewing it. Not that their perspective is invalid, but I do think its far more likely the intent here was to highlight how the relationship between humans and machines has seemingly flipped.
Well, the interesting thing about that quote is that Socrates was completely correct. People used to be able to recall long epic poems from memory, not just one, but an entire book shelf’s worth of information. This ability was lost among people in general. However people, and society, adapted.
Although the argument you and a lot of other people seems to be making is the equivalent of saying “well, I’ve had cancer before, and the doctor said it was serious then, but I survived - so it’s going to fine this time as well”. I don’t think it holds up.
Well, the interesting thing about that quote is that Socrates was completely correct. People used to be able to recall long epic poems from memory, not just one, but an entire book shelf’s worth of information
I’m not convinced that people in general could ever do that. Or rather, not in any way that we’ve lost.
Ask a kid to tell you the lore from their favorite game, and they’ll recite books worth of information if you let them. You just don’t care about that content, so you think they’re stupid instead.
I literally cannot believe how much this says about society
This one really makes ya think
We live in a society!
I’m 14 and this is deep
DAE phones bad?
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Ahhh yes, the old “reading on paper is big brain individual, reading on phone is mindless.”
Same with “communicating over the internet isn’t real communication.”
I’m not saying that there aren’t problems with how much we’re communicating over the internet and how little we’re communicating in real life, but the vast majority of humans in history would have considered the ability to send text messages to someone on the other side of the world in less than a second to be reserved for the gods above.
For real! This is like saying “telegrams are destroying our youth” back in the day.
Sure, real human interaction has value, but the ability to text someone on the other side of the planet instantly and have it translated is a huge leap forward not brain rot.
“Those cuneiform clay tablets are dragging our youths from proper honest upbringing” - old people, c.a. 3400 BCE
Interesting takeaway.
In my opinion this piece is a critique of how humans are stuck working even while commuting, while at the same time we have robots learning how to read, write, and draw.
Seems to be the relationship has flipped, wouldnt you say?
You saw a collection of trees, but not the forest, eh?
AI has the free time to study and be artistic. Not us. We must pay to exist.
What rent does the AI pay? Nothing.
No internet bill, no transportation bill, no phone bill, no food bill, no Healthcare/insurance bill.
AI also isn’t studying or being artistic. It has no real awareness of the concepts it’s seemingly learning, at least not yet. AI as of right now is basically just statistical analysis of human-made information and art and predictive modelling of how a human might respond to a given prompt.
AI as of right now
AI for the forseeable future
No need to mince words. Far too much of this terrible hype surrounding it is built on pure speculation of a future that we have no hard evidence is approaching. Just bold claims by people financially invested in selling the hype.
Someday, if it can sustain itself, it would need to pay for a living.
Right now, someone wants to have an AI. The person pays for it like a pet. But its too expensive, so it needs to give something in return.
We will see if it really benefited the energy costs and internet costs for those Companies who use intense amount of resources for AI.
you cant exploit ai. you cant whip a gpu into performing better, and you cant pressure algorithms into being smarter for the same amount of money invested to develop and run it.
the (capitalist) system works by exploiting us. machines will throw a monkey wrench in it if it can truly replace our labour.
internet and housing do cost money for those running the model, as does the “food” (electricity). healthcare is achieved by taking it behind the barn, transportation is unnecessary, as are phones.
Phone bad!!!
everyone keep focussing on the using phone part and missed the part where the humans are still doing menial labor while the robots are doing what people would do to enjoy themselves.
while the robots are doing what people would do to enjoy themselves.
and for the specific purpose of increasing profit margins of media companies who no longer have to pay artists and writers
If generative AI was merely a computer science endeavour, the 1% wouldn’t be investing this heavily in it.
Apparently most the people in this post are under 25 and are still dealing with their parents telling them to get off their phone on the daily.
It’s not like the machines understand what they are reading.
The point is that the machines are doing what humans would want to do, while humans do what they want the machines to do.
The promise of technology is to make our lives easier, so this is showing how the opposite is true instead.
Not yet
i mean, yeah, but it might take a pretty good while.
But you can read on your phone
You could. But instead you’re doomscrolling on the fediverse.
sounds to me like they’re actually hopeposting, which is the opposite of doomscrolling
In my, and I’d say most of our defense, I do learn a lot on here. And I’m not on here anywhere near as much as I was on Reddit.
whos the artist?
EDIT: Thanks for adding the source to the body! To everyone else: https://mastodon.social/@sohel9320/113312549620891784
Need input!
Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?
ai has stolen the artists’ job, now we must do what it can’t do: good art.
This doesn’t need to be picked part to be appreciated