Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a text-based chat system for instant messaging. XDCC (Xabi DCC or eXtended DCC) is a computer file sharing method which uses the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network as a host service.
When registering this following alpha numeric symbols are allowed on most servers. a-z A-Z 0-9
and symbols [ \ ] ^ _ - { | }
Regsiter on Rizon:
- Connect to server/port:
- Check if username already registered or used:
/whois [username]
- Pick a username:
/nick [username]
- Register username:
/msg nickserv register [password] [email]
- Request vhost:
/msg hostserv request []
- Enable vhost: (wait until you receive memo message)
/msg hostserv on
- Login next time:
/nick [nickname]
and/msg nickserv identify [password]
- If you can’t login do this first:
/msg nickserv ghost [username] [password]
- Join channels:
/join #elitewarez, #elite-chat
- Drop username: (if you no longer need it)
/msg nickserv drop [username]
- Note: Rizon allows non-registered users to download.
Register on SceneP2P:
- Connect to server/port:
- Check if username already registered or used:
/whois [username]
- Pick a username:
/nick [username]
- Register username:
/msg nickserv register [password] [email]
- Join vhost channel:
- Request vhost:
!vhost []
- Enable vhost: (wait until you receive memo message)
/msg hostserv on
- Login next time:
/nick [nickname]
and/msg nickserv identify [password]
- If you can’t login do this first:
/msg nickserv ghost [username] [password]
- Join channels:
/join #the.source, #the.lounge
- Drop username: (if you no longer need it)
/msg nickserv drop [username]
- Note: SceneP2P allows non-registered users to downloads.
Register on Abandoned:
- Connect to server/port:
- Check if username already registered or used:
/whois [username]
- Pick a username:
/nick [username]
- Register username:
/msg nickserv register [password] [email]
- Join vhost channel:
- Request vhost:
!vhost []
- Enable vhost: (wait until you receive memo message)
/msg hostserv on
- Login next time:
/nick [nickname]
and/msg nickserv identify [password]
- If you can’t login do this first:
/msg nickserv ghost [username] [password]
- Join channels:
/join #zombie-warez, #zw-chat
- Drop username: (if you no longer need it)
/msg nickserv drop [username]
- Note: Abandoned reques all users to register before downloading.
Abjects: We do not recommend using
and #moviegods, #mg-chat
at all. They only allow users to directly connect and ban anyone who use TOR/VPN/SOCKS proxies.
You can find many more xdcc networks at
Optional IRC Security:
/msg nickserv set kill on
- With protection on, if another user tries to take your nick, they will be given one minute to change to another nick, after which NickServ will forcibly change their nick. If you select QUICK, the user will be given only 20 seconds to change nicks instead of the usual 60./msg nickserv set secure on
- With SECURE set, you must enter your password before you will be recognized as the owner of the nick, regardless of whether your address is on the access list. However, if you are on the access list, NickServ will not auto-kill you regardless of the setting of the KILL option./msg nickserv set private on
- With PRIVATE set, your nickname will not appear in nickname lists generated with NickServ’s LIST command. (However, anyone who knows your nickname can still get information on it using the INFO command.)/msg nickserv set hide quit on
- Hides your quit messages from users./msg nickserv set hide email on
- Hides your email address from users./msg nickserv set hide status on
- Hides your servicess access status./msg nickserv set hide usermask on
- Hides your user@host mask.
IRC XDCC Search:
IRC Channel Commands:
- commands help!s
- search!g
- download file!req
- request
IRC Clients:
I never stopped using irc since before even messengers like icq where a thing. Why change something that just works? A friend of mine that works in IT-sec told me recently it’s considered part of the darknet now.
Just want to mention that IRC piracy also works very well for anime. and for more. It was pretty easy to setup an automated download as well, on android i had Tasker create an automated xdcc request when a new anime aired through termux and xdcc-dl. On PC theres XDCC-AutoDL, much easier lol.
Yes and ebooks and music too. Most channels also allow !subscribe so you get auto download of new releases once they pre in channel. But you need to stay logged in for that.
There are alos good
channels on scenep2p and rizon servers if you prefer your predb in irc. And there are many more servers/channels you can find at
Can IRC be configured to work with things like Prowlarr or Jackett? If searching and downloading could be automated that would be interesting
Try this automated dl works well in my experience
This looks nice, but seems like a standalone. The GitHub issues pirate linked seem promising though!
I think its in the works, but maybe its already added;
Man I feel old. I haven’t used IRC in like 20 years.
Yeah, you’ll be suprised on how many people don’t know about this. Let’s hope this information gets more attention. And you haven’t used irc for 20 years check out some xdcc channels they are very active.
I still love IRC and it is my go to place to look for books. I like to use Pidgin chat client since i got fed up of ever increasing timer on mIRC. is free and allows logging into multiple XMPP and IRC accounts simultaneously.
It’s not 1997 anymore. Use torrents with a VPN like everyone else. XDCC in 2023. Lol.
Yes IRC/XDCC is still very popular and used by many. You might also be suprised that FTP is still used by many. LOL
By automate, do you mean you have scripts to parse for downloads in an xdcc search engine and directly translate that to bot requests?
Yeah, its very easy to script something for automation.
Do you have a repo I could take a look at?
No I do not. What exactly are you trying to automate? already sent an interesting link. Basically I want to see if I can set up a process similar to sonarr. Where I just need to enter what I’m looking for and the rest (looking for new releases, checking where to download them, downloading) is automated indefinitly according to some predefined parameters.
deleted by creator
Try automated xdcc
I’ll have to check if it runs in wine but thanks, super interesting!
Hex chat and weechat supports scripts
Thanks, I use Konversation but it seems to have scripting as well