Also people seem to think the head rests are there for you to constantly be resting your head on but they are head restraints.. They’re there so you don’t break your neck if you get in an accident - not to be comfy on a long drive.
This is the correct answer. It’s a safety device, not for resting your head. When the foam is not compressed it is not good neck alignment, but in an accident, your head slams into the foam and crushes it, that’s when your neck is in good alignment, preventing damage.
I agree that the main reason for them is to prevent breaking your neck in an accident. But I have to ask… Why not make something that allows for both? Surely we can make something that helps ease our neck and shoulder muscles for long drives and prevent us from snapping our necks in a car accident from in front or back of us. No?
Those exist in fancier cars. Recently rented a jaguar f-type for a weekend getaway road trip and we noticed after an hour or 2 that the headrests actually were functional and comfy. Why the hell that shape isnt used in a normal seat i have no idea.
You answered it yourself. It’s to sell more high dollar cars.
But there are brands of car that dont even make that expensive vehicles at all, and they still have shitty headrests.
I bought little neck cushions for my Passat. I like sitting back and being comfy. I don’t understand how people can lean forward for long trips and some have their head to the steering wheel.
Idk I think because of how much force needs to be contained by the restraint it is rigid for a reason. My guess is there is an engineering reason based on physics.
Also you don’t want people to be falling asleep while driving (anymore than already happens) so maybe that’s a factor too? Like it’s not meant to be a pillow lol
You shouldn’t be pushing against it, but you shouldn’t be that far away from it either to prevent whip lash.
Any normal headrest can be angled almost vertically so it’s not like OPs picture. I wonder if op just doesn’t realize you can tilt them further forward and reset them.
OP is making a joke, I’m sure they’re aware headrests move and none actually look like the post lol.
They are not joking, and some cars cannot adjust the angle or lateral position of the headrest without replacement. There are cars (like 2009 Lincoln MKZs, cough) that have headrests and seats that look and feel exactly like the image.
I owned one for about 3 years, and I still blame it for starting my weird neck/shoulder problems years later.
True some can’t adjust the angle, but obviously none of them protrude the ridiculous amount shown in the post.
I’m not sure how this isn’t a joke, clearly it’s a riff on how headrests can be weirdly uncomfortable at times. Anyways, if you’re chilling with your head against that the whole time you’re driving you’re not doing it right.
The image exists for illustration and emphasis. It’s an exaggeration, it doesn’t make the issue not real. Perhaps your particular morphology (occipital prominence) shields you from the discomfort some of us experience, but I can assure you it is a problem, to the extent that I sometimes remove the headrest entirely because it is so absurdly tilted (in some cars).
Never knew this before. Thank you!
then why do some of them go so far forward? I’d love to rest my upper back against the seat every now and then, but that requires me to move my head forward like in the OP.
Just because big automobile is out to get you.
I knew it! They want me to have neck pain so I can’t walk, so I’ll drive more.
It’s there for me to use. How I use it is up to me.
Ackshually…it’s there for complying with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regulations and protecting auto manufacturers from legal liability. If you use the safety device incorrectly and suffer injury as a result, that’s entirely on you. Everyone is free win their Darwin award!
He said he is free to use it how he wants and you said he’s free to use it how he wants. Weird disparity in votes for that one.
Completely true. It’s also true your choice can be wrong.
That’s to correct your posture, soon you’ll have a mighty hump!
Car driver problems lmao. Just ride a dragon to work instead.
No way, I’m still picking scales out of my crack from the last time I gave that a shot
I am very short, and sit up rather straight. My head hits what should be the most comfortable parts of every kind of seating in the most uncomfortable way. This is an accurate representation of the sensation, when curved neck portion ends up at top of your skull, and doubly so, if it’s a bucket seat. Special cushions help, in certain vehicles, which can also alleviate the seatbelt going practically across your throat. Our old Outback is tolerable, which is lovely.
We have a couple IKEA Poang chairs at home, and I need to make pillow booster-seats for the damned things, or it’s just this image, lol
I just bought a 2024 Prius and as a short person I can attest that it’s the best short-people car I’ve ever had. While it does suffer from most of the issues you would assume from not testing with shorter dummies, those issues don’t really get in the way like they do in other cars. The seat and headrest feel great, the seatbelt is adjustable on the side so it won’t cut into your neck, and it’s very easy to get in and out of. 10/10 car for us short people.
I’m tall and long in the torso. The last serious car accident I was in my head bashed against the ceiling in a frightening way. Or, it would have been frightening if I had any memory of it. I had a brush burn on my forehead which could only have happened if my head was pushed way back from hitting the ceiling. Before you ask, I always wear a seatbelt.
Anyway, that’s not why I’m replying. I’m generally ok with car headrests, although I usually have to lean the seat back pretty far to just fit in.
I bought a new office chair. I specifically chose one without a headrest, but it showed up with one anyway. At it’s highest adjustment it sits right between my shoulders.
The world seems designed to fit such a narrow range of people.
Fact is, if you aren’t in the central bell curve, then you aren’t a profitable sector. Everything is tailored to the average these days in order to have the largest potential pool of customers from which to extract profit. If only one out of every ten people is tall enough to have problems with “regular sized” objects then that means only one out of every ten people are potential customers for your Big&Tall products. 99% of companies will elect to target the other 9/10 instead, even in a saturated market.
We have the Poangs as well, and I can’t recline in them. The only comfortable position is to rip the cushion out and put it on the floor, and sit on the floor. >.<
I have the seatbelt cutting my neck problem too - and I’m not exactly short. :/
Yes those Poang chairs hurt my neck so bad, we had to get rid of it as it caused headaches whenever I sat in it. What about Airplane seats they also seem to push your neck forward in an in unergonomic way.
Crash test ratings probably.
So your neck doesn’t whip back and keeps your spine in line.
I hate this so much
Every is talking about how the headrest it’s made this way for crash safety when it’s blatantly untrue.
The headrest is designed to protect the heads and neck of the average man, not woman. Decades of crash test dummies have all been modeled on the average height and weight of the male body. This is why women are 47% likelier to sustain a serious injury in a crash.
Think of the where the headrest is in the optimal position to protect the driver, and then move that a few inches lower. Adjustable headrest often doesn’t even go low enough to accommodate for many women. There is an actual cutoff height where you are just screwed and expected to die more. Not to mention the user error of forgetting to adjust the headrest from the factory setting of accommodating to the average male height.
This is why so many people are curled up like a shrimp. They are either: short, a woman, or the statistically deadliest of all, both.
You’re talking about the height of the headrest, not how far forward they go for some reason
Also they contradict themselves
The thesis is that it’s not for safety reasons then their proof is that safety tests are flawed
This works against the thesis as the conclusion is that it is still done for safety but may not be safe
Oh it’s ‘blatantly’ true that the headrest are for safety. The problem is engineers can’t design a perfect one size fits all. So things are designed around averages. It’s the best they can do.
If you fall outside of those averages at either end well, there is going to be more risk. As a male who is above average height, automotive headrests add more risk for me just as they do for a smaller woman.
But they can make a headrests that do that. My car’s headrests can tilt forward or back depending on your preference. And it was made in the 2010’s, so it’s not like this is a super old, or new, development.
Making them adjustable makes the most sense as it allows people to adjust it to what they need, rather than just designing for the average person. The seats themselves are adjustable; you can slide them forward and back, up and down, some even tilt them forward or back. The headrests should be no different.Then design one that passes all the required testing and market it. Just because it seems easy doesn’t mean that it IS easy. And your old car was quite possibly built under different guidelines. Meaning that they no longer meet safety standards.
Made in the 2010s*
tilting doesn’t make them safer
A head rest is designed to stop you getting whiplash. How does someone being shorter, make it more dangerous?
Well there is that while I have also never seen a headrest that goes high enough for me.
While I definitely think there’s truth in what you say, I don’t think it’s the real reason. The posture car seats try to put you in is just not good sometimes. If the seat itself lets you sit up straight, the headrest juts out, or the headrest is okay but the seat is curved into a bowl. It’s comfy for lazy sitting, which is what most people will want to settle into, but if you try to be mindful of your posture, you’re doing it without real support from your seat.
They really aren’t primarily head rests, so comfort isn’t the priority and my car’s manual doesnt call them that.They’re first and foremost head support for accidents.
Many people dont realize you can pull them forward and they then pop back. Yours may have been pulled partially forward.
My car is great, modern, amazing battery life, affordable… It has a headrest like in the OP she it is fixed. Like fused with the seat.
The best bet is I’m quite tall, so it pokes me in the shoulder blades.
It sucks but, other that that, it was an amazing deal when I bought it.
I’m sure you’re aware, but that’s pretty dangerous. You will most likely have pretty bad a neck injury if you get into a wreck. It might be worth upgrading the seat to one that fits you better.
He’ll likely have a pretty bad neck injury without the accident. Keeping your body in an unnatural alignment like that for long periods of time is just begging for spinal injury.
Procrustes nodding
I don’t understand buying a car that’s physically uncomfortable to sit in.
It’s one thing if the seat is uncomfortable after a long drive; you’ll never get that from a test drive. But this would be bugging me from the minute I sat down, and I’d never buy a car with that issue - no matter how cheap it is, I have enough neck problems without them being exacerbated by my car.
Rule of thumb: if it sits between you and the ground for an extended period, don’t cheap out on it or settle if you have the choice.
Shoes, desk chair, mattress, pillow, car seat.
Life is too short to be uncomfortable.
I don’t think my head ever touches my headrest when I’m driving. Rarely, I’ll lean back while sitting still, but that’s the only time I’m ever even aware of it.
This is correct. The headrest is meant for you to bang your head on in frustration while stuck in traffic
And doing so releases calming spores that manipulate your brain into thinking that driving is a good idea and that public transport is treason.
I hate those long distance busses. If you sit up straight, the headrest is in your back. If you slouch down to get your head at the headrest so you can get some rest, the question becomes where to put your legs without pain and discomfort.
Its even worse when you’re taller than the designer expected and sitting up straight leaning back just means tilting my head backwards over the headrest.
Because head rests are not meant to be pillows. They’re meant to cushion your head in a wreck and prevent injury from whiplash. I don’t know the specifics but that’s the gist. They’re for safety, not comfort.
Though the one in the image looks particularly wrong lol.
It’s not meant to be a pillow but it also shouldn’t force your head forward at an unnatural angle just because you have decent posture. Car headrests are designed for hunchbacks.
To protect you from whiplash. Just so you know, the seats are adjustable…
The seats are, the headrest isn’t in some cases.
I would suggest you don’t buy a car that has non-adjustable seats that don’t fit your body.
Or maybe your expectations are off. Volvos have always been very safe cars. In my 2008 and 2015 Volvos the head rests are “uncomfortable” and immobile. But I, and others who are shorter, can adjust the seat so that it saves my neck in case of an crash. They’re not there to be comfortable, they’re there to save you.
Edit: fixed “your my express expectations”
I can’t afford cars that cost that much, but the principle is dound
My wife’s RAV4 is like this. Long drives are torture after a few hours. My neck, shoulders, and back end up in knots.
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Same I have been removing the headrest in my wife’s car whenever I’m the one driving. It’s the whole posture, but the ponytail makes it worse. If I really -honestly- try and fit into the seat shape, my head is tilted so low I’m looking down at my feet. It’s ridiculous
Car head rests, couches, waiting room chairs. This world was not built for tall people
Or short people. Only the average thrive.
Short people have the ability to curl into any little space though.
Well it fits my posture perfectly 🤷♂️