Hi, I’m looking for a way to record voicemails that my recently deceased grandfather sent to my grandmother. Visual voicemail is setup but it does not show the messages, so I can’t just save them by sharing them with my phone. Also her SIM is not “nano” format so I can’t use it in my fairphone 4 to record it from there

If anyone can recommend a play store app that is not a privacy nightmare, or a way to install f droid on her phone, that would be lovely (even after enabling apks it couldn’t open the f-droid apk, I assume because the API on her phone is too outdated)

Edit : nevermind, I remembered that her phone carrier has a web interface with the option to download the messages as a .mp3 file. Thanks to everyone for your replies, recording through jack was also a good idea but it completely went over my head after years of using a phone with no jack

  • @Trae@lemmy.world
    45 months ago

    If the phones that old it should have a 3.5mm jack. You should be able to plug it into an audio recorder and get the best quality.

  • @kitnaht@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    An external audio recorder, and a double ended male jack.

    Android has call recording locked down tighter than a nun’s chuff.