We’ve had a post discussing what subreddits you will miss so it makes sense to discuss the ones that, hopefully, we won’t see here.
For me, personally, it would have to be any subreddit about dating. Whether it’s complaining about dating or giving dating advice those subs really tend to draw those are bitter about their dating prospects. Just lots of anger and negativity in those communities.
I won’t miss the sex related askreddit threads from thirsty redditors that always appeared on the front page
Funny you mentioned that, checked the reddit site and right on the main page the first thing I saw was an askreddit about giving oral.
redditors, what is the sexiest le sex you’ve ever sexed?
Probably the le sex
Or a shark maybe idk
no summer lemmy until the kids figure out the fediverse
The spammy ones with no substance.
r/oddlysatisfyingYou know, the ones that kept on coming up on r/all all the time, but where you couldn’t even tell which of them it was by just looking at the posts themselves…
Many of those subs started out good, but the content lost meaning as they grew. Subs that were supposed to highlight really impressive stuff became mediocre, and not interesting/mildly interesting became genetic content.
It’s a catch 22. In order for a sub to stay good, it needs mods that are iron fisted with keeping out content that doesn’t fit. When you do that, the community hates you for deleting their posts.
I agree. I rarely used All though, so I didn’t spend much time in these. They are just super vague with no real discussion. All the popular subs like this were more comment and move on kinda thing, like youtube comments lol.
That’s why I like lemmy, it’s how I was using reddit anyway. Small community, get in to the discussion early. I don’t need to have a conversation with 15 people at once.
Repost after repost after repost after repost after…
none. that was the beauty of reddit, I only subscribed to the stuff I was interested in.
My city subreddit. It was filled to the brim with the most miserable bastards you’ll ever meet. Every day moaning, everyday posting news articles about a crime then acting like it’s so common its not safe outside, constantly talking about move to another country. Blatant racism as soon as anything relating to the indigenous population was mentioned.
I will not miss it and I pray the lemmy instance doesn’t follow the same path.
Wow either we live in the same city, or the same type of histrionic NIMBY dickheads dominate every city subreddit.
By my reckoning it was a reasonably fun spot to shitpost about politics and poke fun at each other, but when The_Donald got banned it seemed to pick up a lot of refugees (oh the irony) and the mods did nothing to stem the tide of sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. garbage. I used to pop in once in a while for a sensible chuckle, but after the change I blocked it.
I quit there at roughly the same time. It probably goes more right wing & the memes are lower effort. Recently I see it once and it’s just some colored right wing circlejerks.
That was a cesspool of bad advice and full of people doing mental gymnastics to always arrive to the same conclusion: break up/divorce, sue, key/scratch their car.
Any and all of the ‘rate my appearance’ subs.
/r/funny can stay behind
If they existed here I’d probably look and sub and repeat the cycle… but subs like PublicFreakout that show either bad people (supposedly) or cops or narcissists getting some public comeuppance really triggered some anger against bad folks and injustice in the world in me every time, getting me a little riled up. Maybe I don’t need that spark all the time.
I got a similar reaction to idiotsincars. Some oblivious asshole driver would recklessly endanger everyone around them in a video.
Okay, sure, that’s bad. Drivers should be held to a much higher standard of training, driving privileges should be easier to withdraw from repeat offenders, we should encourage dramatically less car-dependent infrastructure that requires everyone to have to drive to go anywhere or do anything, etc, etc, etc.
However the comments you see every day are out for fucking blood. Life in prison, death sentence, beatings, million dollar fines! Like, yo, chill out. Overreacting and demanding extremely harsh punishment is how America ended up with the largest prison population in the world. As a society there has to be a middle ground between doing nothing and the most extreme punishments imaginable. This is especially true if the ultimate goal is to discourage antisocial behavior, rather than just seek vengeance.
Yeah for sure. Another issue is quickly jumping to the worst conclusions. You see that one recently where the white nurse lady was exclaiming loudly for help because some teen guys (happened to be black) were seemingly refusing to give her a bike she wanted? The video cut made it look like she was a bad racist Karen - Reddit got the pitchforks out and she was borderline getting fired and more. Turned out, she had actually rented the city bike first after all (she had the receipts) and it was the teens trying to rip her off…. Another Reddit jump of the gun by the hive mind. Crap has dangerous consequences for people.
Wall street silver.
I can’t tell you how many of those people I’ve had to ban from various subs just because they wander in and alt-right the place up. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I’ve banned for hate speech posted there. Literally all of them.
Bro I know, they’re nut cases. Took a right wing nationalist turn real quick over the last year. A lot of the posts had 0 content about silver itself. Think it’s just another right wing discussion board at this point.
Silverbugs was alright. I guess we’ll need another silver board eventually.
While great for new release information, somehow has some of the worst opinions and “as a back-seat game dev” responses I’ve ever encountered in my life.
Almost every fan-sub turns into a hate-sub.
i.e. Nobody hates a given thing like its biggest fans, apparently. I gave up on /tv and /movies a long time ago, because I still like them.
“They should’ve just bought a 4090, if they wanted to play the game” type stuff?
There was some of that, acting like PC gaming is and should only be for those of insane means.
But more, a lot of “AMD ruined this game with FSR.”, “I tried linux but 87% of my steam library isn’t playable.”, the new harry potter game debacle, and an insane amount of gymnastics to say that 70$USD is fine for a new game just buy gamepass instead.
I’m hoping I never encounter those communities that reddit was known for before they had to purge them all.
I know it’s only a matter of time until it shows its ugly face again, but I really got sick of r/tifu. I swear most stories on there were creative writing pieces that boiled down to “tifu by sexing so hard that a person found out and now I’m embarassed”. Great that it’s not clogging up my feed any longer.
Some were quite good even as creative writing exercises but most were definitely just annoying. Don’t follow it anymore either but I don’t mind reading the occasional story on all
PCMR and how the whole thing is a racism joke. Like sheesh come up with a new name already.
Most of them. That was the whole reason I created an account in the first place: the home page was too many pictures and not enough text.