And what specifically makes it special, appealing, or interesting to you?

  • Feydaikin
    32 years ago

    Master Of Orion. Both the original, it’s sequel and the modern remake. It’s nice to play something with different pacing from other games. And the random outcomes from AI throughout the game’s progression keeps things spicy from playthrough to playthrough.

    22 years ago

    Pretty much any of the Zachtronics games. Shenzen I/O, ExaPunks, Opus Magnum, and Last Call BBS are all fun “puzzle” games for programmers and people with programmer brains.

  • Elbullazul
    2 years ago

    I appreciate overwatch, because the sequel cured my videogame addiction (it’s so much worse)

  • Ving-Thor
    22 years ago

    Giants: Citizen Kabuto

    It was a kinda janky 3D Action Adventure from around 2000. Back then it had really beautiful and colorful graphics. I remember playing it on my first “real” PC and being amazed by how it looked.

    It also stands out to me for being actually funny and comitting to being a comedy game.

      12 years ago

      I loved this game! The humour was my favourite part - very dry and very British. A fun shooter with a lot of variety. Amazing soundtrack by Jeremy Soule. I found the game very difficult, though - I doubt I ever got close to finishing it. How about you?

      12 years ago

      Nobody can hate that game. Damn that was gold. I believe it’s well beloved, tho not widely remembered

  • _NetNomad @ DXC
    02 years ago

    I liked Balan Wonderworld. i didn’t love it, but i certainly don’t understand the hate- I haven’t ran into any bugs, some of the powers were neat, the music was phenomenal, and the simple controls were a selling point for me. it was like playing a new Dreamcast game in 2023 for better or for worse, another Billy Hatcher or something.

      • _NetNomad @ DXC
        02 years ago

        3D platformers are seeing a bit of a resurgence on the indie level at least which is pretty exciting. In particular I’d recommend the Spark the Electric Jester series (although the 1st is 2D) and Lunistice in particular

  • Molnar Eduard
    2 years ago

    SCRAPS Modular Vehicle Combat. It’s so much fun building epic guncars and battling with your friends LAN or over the internet. So sad to see the development abandoned though.

  • neosheo
    02 years ago

    Metroid other m. Far from best game in the series, a lot easier than the other games, but i found the presentation really fun.

    The dodging and kill moves i found satisfying and the boss fights were. The cut scenes were a bit too long buy i enjoyed the game

      12 years ago

      Yeah, this really is a game that the story killed. The gameplay is tight and fun, and overall it’s a fun experiment in the series that was ruined by the creator of the series completely misunderstanding why people like Samus as a character.

      • neosheo
        12 years ago

        Well part of my unpopular opinion is that the story isn’t that bad. To me the flashbacks arent so bad, it makes sense that samus was rebellious, she was young at the time and going through a phase but it also explains why she is a rogue hunter.

        The part that is annoying is the present timeline where samus has completely abandoned the rebelliousness and will risk her own life in order to not disobey orders from someone who A) isn’t her commanding officer and B) she disobeyed in the past