DistroWatch is one of the largest affected organizations.

  • Lvxferre [he/him]
    442 months ago

    I’ve seen a lot of people trying to guess if this was the result of some AI mod false positive or intentional. Well, it doesn’t really matter here, because:

    1. Meta is in a position that it should be held responsible for what it promotes vs. what it silences. “We HaD GoOd InTeNsHunS” my arse, go pave Hell with them.
    2. Meta apparently is a-OK removing protections against hate speech, because some dictator of some taco country demanded. But apparently the system (be it surplus value-based or slop-based) still works for other stuff?

    I think that society as a whole should fight back against this shit. Since everyone and their dog is blocking Twitter now, perhaps Faecesbook + Threats + Instaslop should be the next?

  • Cyborganism
    302 months ago

    This is a big load of bullshit. Techno fascists. Fuck em.

  • Riskable
    222 months ago

    Know Linux? Kindly filter out all job postings from Meta. You know, for failing to meet the Linux community guidelines.

    Actually, you should do that anyway but now you have a more practical reason.