I can do a spot-on impression of the standard deep, booming monster-truck rally advertising voice.
“This FRIDAY! (Friday… Friday…) Only at the Gigantodome! Beer Swiller Productions presents MONSTER TRUCK MAYHEM! You’ll pay for the entire seat but you’ll only need the EDGGGGGGGGE!”
Well… of course you can’t hear it, but if you could, seriously, it’s dead-on.
No no, I heard it, it was good.
I can pick things up with my toes. Not completely useless, maybe, but not exactly the pinnacle of tricks!
Yoooo, I have fingertoes too!
Me too! I blame it entirely on my literal childhood interpretation of someone telling me to “cross my fingers and toes” - learned how to cross all of my toes, then picking things up came naturally after that 😂
Haha me too! When I was a kid my podiatrist told me it would be good physical therapy for the growing pains I had along with flat feet. Not sure if it worked but it definitely kept me entertained!
I’m a very large person (250lb/110kg, over 6’/1.8m) and I walk almost silently, unless I’m trying to be loud. I’ve learned to make some kind of noise when approaching people from behind, because otherwise it almost guarantees a jump scare
I’m the opposite. Petite 5’0" lady who sounds like an entire community of elephants when I walk.
A group of elephants is called a parade.
Hahaha I’m the same. Totally perfected ninja walking
I call it my “stealth field.” I’ve had multiple people look directly at me, multiple times, and then jump scare when I move. I’m 6’3", and 240. The walking silently is just a bonus, though it sounds very loud to me.
As someone living in a noisy appartment building, can you move in next to me please!
I can sit down and calmly read an entire manual from front to back.
Lol it has to be printed, and not like, a textbook
I can smell when it’s going to snow.
Lately I’ve learnt that not everyone can hear snow? Smell is real though.
I thought everyone could?
Tuvan throat singing. Nobody knows I can do it. I perfected it during a 3hr commute to work each day for a decade.
Was that commute in solitude in your car or, like, public transport?
Please answer this.
Maybe your one of those local famous people everyone in town knows about, but nobody from out of town has ever heard about, you might be called, the red-line throat singer, the train seat growler…
Hahaha solitude for sure. I’m sure I’d get kicked off of public transport. It can bother people like bagpipes can, especially for any length of time. For me it puts me into a mellow meditative state.
I took inspiration from the primitive technology youtube channel and managed to make a ceramic pot by extracting clay from mud. The pot looks a bit shit, but it holds water!
Tempted to try and make a bigger one sometime.
would love to see some pictures
This is one that I started a few days ago, its still wet currently and as its winter I doubt it will dry very fast. Want to wait for it to dry a bit more before smoothing it and then leave to completely dry and at some point start a fire in the garden to finish it.
Used a slab of clay as a base and placed leaves around it so that it doesn’t stick to the pot as I make it but to also give a bit of a sturdy platform I can pick up and rotate. From a previous attempt picking it up often caused the clay to flex and crack. Although that is probably also due to being pretty poor quality clay, this was done the next day with a different batch that has far better plasticity. Or it could just be that the first one needed more time for water to soak into the clay as it had been pretty much completely dry before.
Using leaves to prevent something sticking seems like it could be a useful method to mould clay against the object. Perhaps a way to make use of the lower quality clay that cracks very easily when trying to shape it normally.
Yooo! Imagine eating soup from a bowl you made. That’s so much cooler than it should be!
Soup might be difficult if I wanted to make everything myself, stew I could do though. Ideally would want to make a spoon which I tried with the first batch of clay but it cracked too much. Second batch might be good enough to make a spoon from. Plus getting better at working with the clay would probably help too.
Alternatively just cook the stew and use a pointy stick to get the solid bits and slurp from the side of the bowl to get the liquid.
Not sure on the legality of making crab traps here, line and open nets are ok but I think with a proper trap I think there is stuff about making sure it doesn’t catch other things which something made from sticks is clearly not going to meet. Which is a shame as its a lot easier to make that than twisting enough fiber to make a net. Mussels are easy enough to find but I would probably avoid them being filter feeders and its not the cleanest water here, at least a crab you can scoop out its stomach and not eat that bit.
Seconded! I’ve always wanted to try this.
I can read text in any orientation, even if mirrored, as easily as if it was right side up / not mirrored. Not sure why, and almost completely useless, but was surprised to discover that supposedly not everyone can do this?
Just as easily from every angle? No slowdown at all, even for mirrored text?
That’s pretty cool, even if it is mostly useless.
Yep, it’s like it’s automatically transformed back to normal in my mind’s eye :). Mirrored and upside-down presents a little challenge, but everything else is no trouble.
I definitely can’t!
(If applicable in your region)
I laughed in my head about this. Then sometime ago, I realized emergency vehicles had this on purpose because it looked the correct-way-around when I saw it through the rearview mirror
:) yes,
a privilege! Owing to our ability to notice when words are mirrored in the first place
Fr, for the longest time, I just stared and squinted like having smelt a bad fart, thinking, did they make a mistake printing it that way? Why?
Just curious, are you left-handed?
I’m not! I’m barely even right handed, honestly - I’m incredibly uncoordinated.
I’m completely ambidextrous. It comes into “handy” when one hand gets tired doing a task, like writing for a long time, but no one has ever noticed and I don’t think anyone would be impressed.
That sounds amazing. I’d give my left arm to be ambidextrous.
I can make my ears rumble on command.
Same here, and I also learned it trying to learn how to wiggle my ears.
Rumble? Tell me more!
I figured it out while trying to teach myself to wiggle my ears.
I can push air out my ears, I would call it more of a crackle so maybe op is talking about something different. Never thought of is as something to be proud of though …
It’s something I can do that apparently not a lot of people can. Can’t be proud of being unique or different?
Kinda like Aphantasia, you literally have no idea it’s not the norm until someone explains it like you’re a fucking alien.
Pitty I’m nowhere near the UK though.
Huh. TIL I can do this also
Yes I can do that too.
I can run any piece of machinery with an hour of goof around time. Doesn’t matter what it is. Let me poke around it for an hour or so and I’ll have all the controls and most quirks figured out.
Sadly it’s useless because employers won’t give me a chance to prove it.
I can hold a pencil using my forehead.
When you say hold, what do you mean?
Like furrowing your forehead and holding it in the creases? Or is it more of a balance type situation?
Do you pick it up with your forehead as well, or does this thing need finger loading?
What part/s of the pencil can be held, is it the side? Dull end? Sharp end?
A fairly useless skill.
Hahaha, so joyfully useless!
I can fart on command, just wait a sec…
Oh shit, there goes my streak 💩
I know the frog mating calls for all species of frogs in my area and volunteer for the local DNR to survey frog populations in my county. It’s a good indicator of water quality.
I took a random amphibian research class as an elective, loved it, and still do it 20+ years later.
I learnt to whistle by whistling inwards first, so I can constantly whistle without needing to stop for breath, aswell as maintain the correct pitch and note for when it comes to tunes between breathing in and out. Dont know if that’s much of a skill, but eh, I like whistling