ICE wants to hire contractors to monitor social media for threats. Those who criticize the agency could be pulled into the dragnet.
Allow me to exercise our first constitutional right:
In my opinion ICE is a sycophantic, family-destroying, hate-fueled agency intent on filling it’s ranks with slavering, rabid dogs focused solely on ripping people apart. Here’s a hashtag for you: #normalizeICEhate
If ICE starts coming for leftists who are critical of them, they’ll be dealing with a lot of second Ammendment rights.
Come at me, nazi fucks. Dealing with them is a bit of a family tradition. It just skipped a generation.
My guess is it’ll be the other way around. Someone kills an ICE person and when they get support online they’ll use it as an excuse of “they’re supporting a terrorist! Terrorism is illegal!”
Fuck ICE, the US doesn’t need a gestapo.
Yo, fuck ICE
Well, the Justice Department made us one anyway. As of February 5th, they have permission to respond to unfair criticism.
Protecting Law Enforcement Personnel. One of the Department of Justice’s top priorities is protecting law enforcement at the federal, state, and local levels who protect us all. This includes aggressively investigating the all-too-common instances of violence against and obstruction of law enforcement, seeking the death penalty for those who perpetrate capital crimes against law enforcement, and backing and promoting the efforts of law enforcement when they are subjected to unfair criticism or attack.
promoting the efforts of law enforcement when they are subjected to unfair criticism
Pretty sure that violates the first amendment. Makes me think there’s a lot of other laws they’re violating, which really makes me think they need aggressive reforms.
Oh, it absolutely does. Do you know who enforces compliance with constitutional law? The US Marshalls, who report to the Department of Justice.
Huh? Your excerpt only says that the death penalty is for capital crimes against them, like killing them.
Defund ICE 🥰
I hope an ICE brute trying to deport someone dies today and I hope it hurts
I post negative things about ICE online. You fascist cunts. Every person working for ICE is a disgusting gestapo piece of human garbage.
I keep seeing jobs posted for it support for ice on LinkedIn and indeed, wish I could just block them entirely.
Apply for them. All of them.
The CIA figured out that one of the best ways to fight fascism is to bog it down in bureaucracy.
Get thousands of people to apply and accept interviews and take up as much time of their as possible.
Accept the job and start slowing down things from the inside.
“Oops, it looks like the database and all of the backups accidentally got deleted”
Let’s schedule a meeting about that. Invite… EVERYONE… muahahahaha!
I don’t see how postings warnings of ICE being in my area could be construed as negative unless ICE sees their actions as negative.
I just love ice so much I gotta tell all my friends whenever I see em!!!
It’s the same as cops getting pissed off when drivers alert others about speed traps.
Besides, when I said ICE can go fuck itself, I was obviously talking about the weather.
Fuck you, ICE. Come do something about me.
All my homies hate I.C.E.
Saw a picture the other day of some Latina carrying a sign that read, “I drink my horchata warm, because I hate I.C.E. that much.”
Fucking Gestapo
Any ICE agent who reads this, I beg you to shoot yourself.
While standing in a perfect row with your coworkers
ICE can investigate deez nuts.
Does Ice have a lemmy account? I would like to tag them every time I call them slimy pieces of shit.
Yes, I am.
Everyone involved in ICE can remove their sidearm, place it firmly against their temples, and squeeze.
I wouldn’t piss on them to set out a fire.
I hope cyberbullying ice agents makes them… uhhhh…
Rethink their lives and pursue a different course of action.
Fuck I.C.E.