Mozilla CEO made around 7 million USD last year, but hosting bills are pending. Now, they updated the ToS, and you can’t watch p0rn, or your data will be sold, or they no longer care about the orignal mission, etc. Once again, we see C-suits lose their grip on reality. As long as they are getting paid in millions, software projects can go to /dev/null. It is like they want to ruin the project on purpose. There is no other explanation I can think of. Can you?

#opensource #firefox #mozilla

  • Scary le Poo
    219 days ago

    Stop with this bullshit FUD. For fucks sake, I thought foss communities were smarter than Republicans who fall for the same old shit every single fucking time. Clearly I was mistaken.

  • Hobson Lane
    220 days ago
    Only a sociopath can take millions from unpaid open source contributors and security researchers. When your wealth is derived from others’ poverty it creates sociopathy in those that scramble over their fellow workers to climb to the top. Even the university tenure process trains teachers and students to exploit anyone beneath them. Survival of the greediest.

  • Bill Zaumen
    220 days ago Yesterday, I tried to help a friend by looking up a kitchen appliance on the Sur La Table web site to see if they carried the product. A few minutes later, I got some spam from some nonentity calling itself thanking me for “checking us out.” I had not logged in and Firefox was configure to delete cookies when it closes.

    I put both on my shit list: what would you do if visited a store and they had someone follow you home and put trash in your mailbox?

  • Flomo
    120 days ago
    Any advice on a new browser with useful add-ons?

  • Leeloo
    120 days ago
    Easy explanation: Once Chrome became good enough, the Google contract changed to “here’s $$$$$, make Firefox irrelevant”.

  • Danny Colin
    120 days ago Ahah bad timing for this 😂.

    FYI, Sylvestre from Mozilla replied on HN:

    “Please don’t read too much into this ;) We moved from self-hosted Discourse to hosted Discourse. The transfer was initiated late from the Mozilla side (my bad) and the automatic system from Discourse kicked in.”

    • nixCraft 🐧OP
      120 days ago thank you for the heads up! regardless of that they are pushing AI and selling data et all are bad move.

      • RejZoR
        120 days ago Ai in itself is fine. Local LLM translation in Firefox is really good and I’d take it over Google Translate any time. If Mozilla is planning on adding local LLM summary of webpages, fine. If they train it on their own systems and not on user’s I’m fine with it.

        Firefox is the only browser that still gives us flexibility with about:config. Don’t like the Labs panel? You can turn it off. Don’t like this or that? You can turn it off. They just need to fix their communication.

  • Witty Dragon
    120 days ago Greed and Trump.

    As Trump is now in power, all these large corporations will feel empowered to be more pro money, pro selling data, pro fucking users data, pro I don’t give a damn as I won’t be investigated.

    Browsers and search companies will ALWAYS find a way to sell data - openly or avertly. Cookies, now fingering, next will be fisting.

  • Roberto Otárola Estrada
    120 days ago “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” - Hanlon’s razor

  • Clot
    120 days ago capitalism never works, learnt the hard way

  • Al
    120 days ago Good bye Firefox. Switching to Brave.

  • Kevin Russell
    120 days ago

    Billion dollars from google, being funded 90% by google.

  • kzurell
    120 days ago Think of it as “The precession of the perihelion of marketing.” Leadership inexplicably is never where the (classic) theory says it’s supposed to be… and other social/capital hybrids making big wonky loops again and again in plain sight reveal something more general that’s too low-level to be seen with the naked eye…

    …That our theories of value, incentive, growth, and wealth need fundamental, alienating rewriting. That’s happening, though we forget today’s store-brand Relativity took many decades of uncertainty, this will too.

  • Billy Inghart
    120 days ago friggin a. How can we incentivize suits and shareholders to care about long term health and sustainability instead of short term gains?