This is hard.
Avatar: The Last Airbender + The Legend of Korra together. Don’t even get me started (actually please do).
Pantheon. Dense, proper sci fi, criminally and tragically suppressed IRL. Watch it, right now.
I am really loving Severance so far.
Arcane is up there, maybe as most artistic.
Star Wars: Andor. Not a huge Star Wars fan, but it’s so good, and grounded. It has everything.
I have a lot of “secondary” favorites I am excluding here, like The Expanse, Person of Interest, Fringe, The Americans, Narcos, Mythbusters, and such for various reasons, but are still amazing.
+1 for Avatar. Such a phenomenal cast of characters and world building. Korra got really weird but I still appreciate it.
I love LoK, honestly more than ATLA, for many reasons. Along those lines, I was more into ATLA for Zuko than the Gaang.
Easily Star Trek: The Next Generation. It’s mystery, sci-fi, action, drama, and period pieces (holo deck episodes). It has a bit of everything. Plus it’s a hopeful vision of the future.
Futurama will always hold a special place in my heart
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Arrested Development seasons 1-3 will always be special to me.
Can I have more than 1?
The Magicians
The Expanse
The Good Place
and if anime counts:
The Good Place is unbelievable. I never get bored rewatching it.
Fringe. Love that shit, watched the whole thing 10x.
Fringe is so underrated.
…Have you seen Severance? It feels more condensed, and I am loving it so far.
Bob’s Burgers hands down. It’s just constantly showcases the wholesomeness I want to see in the world.
It shows a constantly imperfect world, and family, friends, and community standing together to survive it.
I could write a thesis, but I’m crying thinking about that Christmas episode now, you know the one.
“You love your family.”
Well, I did just start rewatching Community for the n-th time…
The Good Place. Perfect show, 10/10
Star trek the next generation and deep space nine Battlestar Galactica The Orville
Yes, I’m a sci-fi nerd
Also “the good place”, it’s awesome
Have you watched the Expanse? I highly recommend it.
Ah the expanse, of course! Awesome, though the last two seasons went down in quality. Especially the lady season was a mess only surpassed bu game of thrones season 8
I’ll take the original Battlestar Galactica. As a kid, it blew my mind.
It’s a tough choice between Futurama and Mythbusters
It’s always sunny in Philadelphia
Malcolm in the middle
Oh I forgot Malcom in the Middle. +1 to that.
I’ve seen Archer far too many times. Funniest animated I’ve ever seen and I kinda want to watch it again. Gotta stop when the writers change at s10 tho.
Patriot is an amazing TV show that I’ve seen three times. It’s a thriller, I guess. Quite funny but they play it straught. Reminds me of Fargo.
Edit because how on earth did I not mention True Detective season 1.
These three shows I will definitely watch again when I get time. Amazing attention to detail in each of them.