Where are some places that I can get bulk white clover seed? The tractor supply-ish stores by me only have it mixed in with grass, or the deer forage variety.
Guessing you need more than 2kg bulk? ( It’s also sold out)
I’ve only ever gotten it through amazon (Dutch white cover iirc). Since I’m no longer using Amazon, I’m looking for an alternative too.
I’ve gotten bulk red clover from American Meadows before, and they have white clover too
Thanks, I just placed my order!
No problem, and good luck!
Gonna try a lawn with it? I’ve been thinking about it. Let us know what you do with it and how it goes.
If you’re in the states look for a local business called a grain elevator or feed supplier. White and red clover is a very standard pasture addition. If you call and ask if they stock bulk quantities of what you want.
Depending on the location they will either stock it or they’ll be the exact kind of people who will know who to contact about it.
Or you can contact your local Ag extension officer. Or your Soil and Water Conservation District office. Both of those sources will be able to plug you in on sources of bulk seeds in your area. These folks are also supremely knowledgeable about all things growing and they’ll be able to recommend some other techniques to make your green space a benefit.
I have been using Flawn which also sells other flowers for your lawn. My local garden center has White Dutch Clover in bulk for cheaper but I have used them for English Daisy and Self Heal for my yard.