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solarsyrup posted:
CAVEMAN DOING STANDUP: two moons ago, me daughter ask for new furs. no want mammoth or giant sloth, no, now want cheetah fur. me so tired of “fast fashion.”OTHER CAVEMAN: [plays a rimshot on two coconuts and a scallop shell]
This is the type of shit I came to lemmy for :)))
It’s a decent dadjoke unless the audience doesn’t know what fast fashion is.
The audience is also cavemen so they don’t know, but then because they are cavemen, they laugh anyway because of the rimshot.
I love this one so much
I’ve only been working as a programmer for 2 weeks but I’m already broken… took me a while to figure out how that’s standup
As a developer on Lemmy, I want to see a true caveman standup meme.
if cavepeople had stand up we’d be extinct long befor the ice age