My sister Lena (14F) sent me these pictures (so “Me” is Lena, not me) and said I could use them as long as the names were blacked out for advice and such.
Ashlyn (blue, 14F) apparently has NPD, which could be a reason but doesn’t excuse her behavior. She is known for being an overall rude person, especially towards Lena, and is also known for exaggerating, giving vague explanations, not able to identify people and messing up timing on things (bringing up drama that happened “recently” when it either never happened or was weeks ago), and even lying that people don’t like Lena when they clearly do. Lena’s confusion makes me wonder if half of the stuff even happened, and if it did, possibly not in the way Ashlyn tried to convince her it did.
Due to Ashlyn being vague a lot, Lena will ask her what she’s talking about and Ashlyn will get mad and insult her.
I’ve also observed that people say that Ashlyn’s interactions and reasons to be angry at people is often odd and not natural, with stories often exaggerated and fabricated like I already said to prove a point.
Most people Lena talks to don’t even seem to be too fond of Ashlyn and say Lena was far kinder/more respectful than Ashlyn was, ever.
I am very mad at Ashlyn, maybe because of how she treats and has treated my sister since age 9, but I’d be mad if she wasn’t my sister, too, because Lena is really nice.
Ashlyn hasn’t come to our house in a while but she is never coming again after this.
In my opinion Lena should break contact with Ashley. She is a drama person and tries to gaslight your sister.
I’m not overreacting then? Lena was convinced she was a bad person and that Ash was the victim, and I highly doubt Lena is a bad person.
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NTA (and Ashlyn is). Ashlyn is needlessly rude to Lena and probably always has been rude to her.