I’ve tried flipping it 180 as well. No luck so far. :|
Lmao are you from Australia?
Naw huh uh
It’s because whatever app you are using to flip it is not removing the EXIF metadata, which the camera saves into the file. This contains data about what position the camera was in when the picture was taken. Some websites or apps use this data to flip the image when it’s displayed. So if you want to have it right side up when you flip it, you either need a app that removes the EXIF, or one that modifies it.
Shot from my iphone, downloaded from Google Photos via Firefox on Windows 11, created this post using Firefox. I tried flipping it with Windows photo viewer earlier. I’ll upload it to Imgur first since it strips Exif.
On your PC, flip it 360° and save it again under a new name. Your OS uses different image orientation information than browsers do. This way you can overwrite it.
So, here’s the thing about 360-degree rotations …
I meant what I said. it “looks” like before, but when you save it, you’ll overwrite the orientation info that the browser is reading with the the ones the OS is reading.
I don’t know if you’re doubling down or unfamiliar with circles, but there’s a reason Photoshop doesn’t include a 360-degree rotation option.
I know what you mean and I’m probably explaining it poorly.
You open the image on your pc, with windows photo viewer or whatever. No need for Photoshop. The image will show up correctly. But if you upload it in your browser it’s upside down.
In the photo viewer you rotate it four times, in a full circle. Then you save it under a new name. When you now upload the new image, it’s up right.
I have dealt with this issue countless times while working in tech support for years. And that was the solution that helped every single time.
Are you Australian?
Unrelated to your query, just wanted to shoutout the steamdeck laptop
Hell yeeeeeeah.
Weird. Our image upload process isn’t doing anything special to the images that I’m aware of. I downloaded the image from above and on my PC flipped it:
I created the post through Firefox desktop. Going to upload it to Imgur first to remove the EXIF I guess.
I compared the version I saved from Beehaw to the version I downloaded through Google. Beehaw definitely stripped the EXIF data, but I think it was still reading from it before I posted.