There ought to be a fourth panel with the dino struggling to remember the important thing it was just doing
I really should schedule an appointment to get diagnosed, right after I finish this important thing I’m working on…
I have planners. Lots of planners and many many ink pens in various colors. I can’t find my keys.
Oh fuck. The planners. My God I have so many… So many empty journals and notebooks too…
Feel you on the keys. Had to buy a sticky hook set to put by the door to put the keys on. I don’t half the time but at least it cuts down 50% on me being a moron.
A similar issue I have is when people text me constantly. I feel immediately obligated to respond, even if I’m in the middle of something, because I think they’ll get mad at me for ignoring them. Which means I have to juggle between texting and doing the other thing, causing me to get stressed out. I wish I could just ignore them for hours… I leave myself on offline mode a lot so I can actually try and focus without the constant distraction.
Mood. The anxiety is real and I see you. I too leave myself in offline mode on both Playstation and Discord for weeks at a time. You’re not alone, friend!
I can’t for the life of me get a todo list or anything to work. Only thing that works is a calendar invite and that isn’t scalable.
“Just make a list or schedule.”
Yeah, that requires me to remember to check the list or schedule, so it’s a waste of time.
Haha yeah, I feel like my job has been interrupt driven for so long that, now that I have time to plan, I can’t.
My favorite part is when I check the list and then decide that I don’t like lists after all
I have a motto I operate by at work: “if it’s really important, they’ll ask twice.”
Awesome. I’ll definitely setup a RSS reader after I’m done with …
I’m sorry but what is a rss feed? Can I intergrate it into lemmy/jebroa or is it something different?
TL;DR: To use RSS (as a reader), you would subscribe to RSS Feeds in a similar way as how you subscribe to a mail list. But instead of using your email (client), you need a RSS reader (client) where you will see all the posts published in the RSS Feeds you have subcribed to.
Better explanation:
Thank you for your explanation!!
Thank you for doing this! I probably should to be honest…
My source list is probably excesive, but the link where you saw it would be appreciated.
Although I’m not a mod, so I can only suggest ;).
The link where I saw it is gonna be impossible to find simply because I have a folder of a couple thousand webcomics I’m going through. I’m only posting ones with the watermark or credit in the image though and trying to make sure I credit the title in the name. I will start grabbing the top sources that they seem to use though and putting those in the description. Seems only fair. Still, thanks!
Oh, then as you see fit. I understand that not everybody has the time to look for the sources. Thanks!
I just mean I wouldn’t be able to find the individual reddit post or random website post that I originally found the picture on. I will be adding links to their website, instagram, etc. Just to be clear.
I think that’s fair enough :).
deleted by creator
Adhdinos is an awesome strip with a truly great creator. Not surprised he’s using that font as well.
I don’t know I don’t feel like I have ADHD but these comics speak so much to me
when I use my alarm clock to remind me of something important I always use the snooze button until it’s completely finished, otherwise I still forget it a minute after the alarm ring
Damn, I thought my ADHD was bad. This creator couldn’t even proofread his comic that has like 20 words in it.
It’s part of the art now
I also immediately saw this… I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about it. I don’t think this is real, is it?
I went to this artist’s website, and they don’t have comics… It’s just merchandise. I guess I have to get a social media account?
No thanks…
These are great comics, but what is going on here? Put that good shit (the comics) on your website, and get paid! I’m sorry, I’m mad at Facebook, Reddit, and Tiktok, not the artist. I hate what has become of the internet, and the fact artists have given up. It feels like everyone is giving up, and it sucks.
You can do better, artist of ADHD dinos.
I love how you say “I don’t blame the artist” and then end the comment with “You can do better, artist”.
No. You do not have to get a social media account. They use their website to sell merch because hosting a webcomic has a lot of overhead costs but doesn’t generate much in the run of revenue. Hosting that many images adds up. It’s far easier to post it on other websites. One such place, as listed, is their Webtoons page. Requires no sign up, requires no account. You can browse to your hearts content. More and more webcomics are being ported over to Webtoons now because it’s vastly cheaper and easier for the artist.
As pointed out, you don’t need an account.
All these 4 sources are, not only public, but they provide native RSS feeds in case you don’t even want to visit those websites:
- Mastodon @Adhdinos - RSS Feed
- Webtoons - RSS Feed
- Tapas - RSS Feed
- Reddit - RSS Feed (of submitted posts)
I know few artists that provide more sources as convenient as these ones.
Of course the first thing on their web page is merchandise or ways to spend money. That’s how you support the artist that provides the comic. Your criticism is more appropriately pointed towards capitalism, rather than ADHDinos.