Is there any way the mods can change the display name of this community so it’s an actual name instead of Most of the other communities have done this, so it makes this community look strange in the feeds.
I’m pretty sure all communities on foreign (to you) instances have their instance name.
You are
Thus all communities show to you as “community”
But all others will show as or for examples
If you were to switch to another instance it would be the same way on those
For some reason I feel like I should have already known this. Maybe because it’s the only community I’m in that doesn’t show a recognizable avatar. Just looks strange and in my head it looks like a user instead of a community. Disregard.
If a community is not on the instance you’re a part of (as in it’s not a local community), it will show “@name of instance” after the name of the community, it doesn’t have to do with the name of the instance, just how the UI works.