First i want to make it clear, that am not here to judge anyone’s intrest nsfw or otherwise, but i am quite perplexed on how the start page looks most times.
I come here for my… Nsfw needs. Sure, I can browse only subscribed communities, but sometimes I like to find pics and communities I didn’t know I would like.
But browsing by local, the feed is often dominated by sfw celeb pics, especially on days were people seem to upload their entire archive, you get only 1-2 nsfw pics per page, no matter what you are sorting by.
Not here to criticise or demand something, just wanted to hear how you feel about this and how you manage this
I honestly really don’t get the appeal of all the celeb content either
Personally I’m very liberal with using the block button to get rid of communities I don’t want to see, or posters who are spamming so much stuff that it fills up the NEW sort with just them. I can curate the stuff that I always want to see in the Subscribed section, and then use the Local section for stuff I don’t care about as much but still enjoy seeing & discovering new things.
The celeb content almost all posted by one user who seems to do a LOT of posting and creating of new communities. Definitely sus, but blocking may help