things have obviously popped off this week geopolitically so i’ve been pretty busy trying to bail some people out of very bad decision-making. this has gone mixed to say the least; anyways a lot of people gotta shut the fuck up about geopolitics because there have been 80 unnecessary trillion bad takes this week
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As someone who goes out of their way to be nice to people but has only written two letters to teachers who’ve impacted me, you’re probably twice the person described in that letter.
Wow that’s amazing. Hold on to that!
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I’m disheartened. As a Jordanian/Palestinian/American, it’s hard to live in a country where the government and the general populace openly and unabashedly wants you and your whole family to die. Seeing people justify the atrocities committed by the Israeli government and military is just disappointing more than anything.
I really do love America, and I don’t take for granted how lucky my family has been to even have the opportunity to migrate here (I know plenty of people who would do anything to live here!) But it hurts when America doesn’t love you back.
It strongly reminds me of the bloodlust people had the days and weeks after 9/11. And I lived in NY at that time.
It truly opened my eyes how people with shit intent can easily take advantage of that sentiment to do evil shit and we’re def. Seeing that again.
I can’t imagine. My therapist “both sided” the topic when it came up briefly. He’s a smart man. America knows propaganda.
My dog passed suddenly this past weekend. He was throwing up and had other stomach issues so I took him to the vet Thursday. He stayed overnight getting IV fluids and waiting on bloodwork. Friday morning I get word that he had acute renal failure and he basically couldn’t make it without a week at an ICU, to the tune of $1000/day and 25% chance of survival, after which he’d get maybe a bad 6-8mo before dying. Next morning we took him to the vet and that was it. It’s getting a little better everyday but I miss him so much.
I have decided to be a lot nicer on the internet as a result, at least. I think I’ve allowed the natural toxicity that emerges in online discussions to really seep into how I talk to people. I’ve been really trying to be aware of it and to be the person he knew I could be. He was the best. I loved him so, so much y’all.
Big hugs. We had to say goodbye to one of our rabbits this week (he was 11) and it’s never an easy thing to say those goodbyes. It sounds sappy, but you did right by him and showed him kindness that was motivated by love, and he knows it.
Thank you. I went back and forth about posting about him and chose not to at first, but I decided this comment section was lowkey/chill enough to at least get one more little semi-permanent (hopefully!) record out there that he was here and he was loved.
Big hugs. Dogs are the best people. It sounds like you did right by him and gave him a gentle send off. That’s nice
I keep telling myself that we did the right thing. I know it could’ve been a lot worse. Just sucks
Talk about bad geopolitical takes. I had to endure a hell of a lot this last weekend at the (Canadian) Thanksgiving dinner table.
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I am legally a woman now. There is no way to tell otherwise using social security infos etc.
I’ve been waiting to have my first blood test where my levels would be compared to those of women (you know for any actual relevancy in the comparison)
Yet the manager of the closest lab - whom I have known for years - deemed necessary to ask their IT to be able to override the civility and gender. And she felt forced for some reason to keep my birth sex even though it doesn’t appear anywhere.
What gets me the most is that she thought she was being benevolent when she was never asked to do that.
I regret accepting this situation and proceeding with the blood test. I should have gone elsewhere.
Planned surgery happened this week. Unlike the last time where they blew two IVs (currently wait listed end of October for this). Was supposed to be only one night stay but the doctor kept me a second night due to an overabundance of caution. Currently waiting for them to come check on me in the morning and hopefully finally let me go. I’m off pain meds, been walking, passing gas, and bleeding has pretty much entirely stopped. I can’t think of any reason they’d keep me here but hoping to leave soon so I can actually get some rest.
Feels wrong to upvote, get well soon!
Thank you! I’m doing so much better now that I had the ability to actually sleep. One night away did wonders. Now I’ve had two and probably gonna make the trek back home today since nothing is alarming and being close to the operating hospital is no longer as much of a concern.
Better than last week in that I feel almost back to normal. Never had a chest infection before (that wasn’t Covid) but it was like being hit by a truck, wonder if having had Covid twice makes me more susceptible to these things now. Or maybe I’m just getting older.
I will know if I have a future at my work by the end of the week which is slightly nerve wracking. My job is safe but due to the restructure my salary is protected only until April, when it decreases by a fair bit. I am handing my notice in after Christmas if management don’t agree to keep my salary at the same level as I’ve worked too long and hard there to be treated like shit salary wise. Hoping it won’t come to that but we’ll see. Meeting management this week and making my case as it’s budget time.
I am also pretty upset about geopolitics. It feels like the majority have been conditioned to have such a strong bias and are incapable of any kind of introspection. If we all approached such topics with the willingness to learn from each other and hear different perspectives maybe things would be different. Unfortunately I can’t solve the world’s problems this week. Maybe next week?
Otherwise, I am dating, but meeting new people and assessing fit is a challenge.
I’m fine, very worried about my Israeli friends though. They’re a straight couple with kids and were already looking to emigrate because of the current government, but now that’s been kind of put on hold because the guy got drafted :( rest of the family left the country so I’m just praying they’ll be reunited. Not much else I can do I think.
My week is ok. We celebrated our 14th anniversary last weekend, which was nice. The kids got to stay with grandma and we had a whole weekend to go out and enjoy ourselves. I love my kids but it’s really nice to get away from being a parent once in a while and just enjoy an extended period of couple time.
Not sure in which language I’ve heard the saying: “people have more political takes than buttocks”.
Answering the top question: this week’s been shit.
I’ve started physio rehab last week, my appointments are in a clinic that has no easy public transport access (as in, no way for me to reach it without falling over on the way) and nobody could take me, so had to ask for an ambulance service, which takes an extra hour to go and come back, and makes me feel like an ass wasting an ambulance ride someone else could be using, or just save on the gas… but it does get me someone to lean on and catch me if I were to fall.
After the first few sessions, this Saturday turned out I could no longer stand up, at all. Was told it could be normal, but they’d check come Monday. After spending most of the weekend laying down, indeed it did get somewhat better, and I was ready for my painkiller fueled walk of shame ambulance ride… only to learn this week they’re on strike, and nobody bothered telling me. Had to rush to get a taxi at the last moment, since missing one of these sessions means it’s gone; miss three and they kick you out of the program. Come Tuesday, I got my taxi ride to the clinic… only to find out the elevator was broken (physio rehab is on a high 3rd floor, nice planning), and the stairs were just being painted, covered in papers with splatters of fresh paint. Some people (in wheelchairs, or with crutches) just didn’t make it today.
On the “bright” side, also got my cardiologist appointment, who got out a green marker to circle out how my results have “not gotten worse” over the last year… and told me to eat healthy and walk more (🤦), because otherwise “we might lose you soon” (geez, at least thanks for the green marker 😐).
Still can’t do shit, neither at home or otherwise, and none of the other problems (family, work, housing, other health issues) have seen any improvement. Watching the current geopolitical issues, at times I wonder how nice would it be to switch places with some of the innocent victims, be done with it all and let someone else have a try… but we’re each stuck in our f-d up roles in the theater of life.
The same scream I had last week is ongoing this week. My life is just screaming in powerless rage.
Group projects at university suck. There is exactly two of us in the team who are doing pretty much all the work. I’ve got one team member who does nothing, and another who half-does everything badly. I’ve given up asking him to redo the stuff he fucks up. It’s less time and effort to just fix it myself.
The children on the estate where I live suck. Constantly throwing rubbish in gardens, constantly throwing themselves in the path of moving vehicles. They found and destroyed an armchair last week. Fragments of its carcass are strewn around the area.
I want to live alone on an island. Preferably surrounded by fellow frogs.
This monday i have experienced my first earthquake so that was exiting for me and my cats they was on top shelf i dont know if they felt somehow something is comming although they go on that shelf offten but rarely together. Luckily no one was injured but there was some damage on buildings near epicenter i heard. In central europe it is very rare so buildings are not very optimized for this and this was strongest since 1930. As for other things in life i think i am fine mentally and financially and i am looking forward for when parts for my electronic project arrive. I am making lightswitches but with keyboard mechanical switches btw. I didnt want to post here anything so it will not look like i am flexing that nothing horrible happend in my circle thankfully but on the other hand this thread is going really dark so i hope i will bring some light to it.
My atomoxetine dosage has been increased which seems to be working, up to 75mg now and it seems like I might not be moved to a stimulant after all. But I’m still hoping to get a prescription for a low dose of stimulants for when I need actual focus rather than the current semi-focus atomoxetine gives me. Having to buy my pills from hong kong due to poor supply in the UK though which sucks.
Am into my second week of regular gym workouts. Have also added in some extra workouts and am feeling a bit sore/stiff.
Bear in mind the last time I did serious exercise/gym time was when I was in the army - and I left that in 1997!
No weight loss showing yet.
I know it’s going to be hard work but at 66 years old and being far too heavy, I really need to put in some effort. Alcohol intake is right down and I’m almost vegan and usually eat healthy.
And I actually look forward to it!
Congratulations, baggins!
Thank you :-)
That’s amazing, congratulations and good work!
Thank you :-)