Recently finished Bioshock, Spec-Ops: The Line and Nier Automata (not so old, but played really well).
I’d love any suggestions for older AAA titles that are worth a play-through!
The Batman Arkham games
The Witcher series
Fallout series
FYI: the next major Steam sale starts June 29th- I got all those Arkham games for 8 bucks last year, so make a list and wait a few weeks. You can join the rest of us who have 100 games bought for 80% off and 10% played 🤣
Hey thanks for the tip!
I’ll 100% get in on the coming sale, my first Steam sale…ever.
Enjoy! Glad you’re liking your Deck it’s really an awesome device. I would highly recommend using the wishlist feature on Steam. Add any games in here that sound good to your wishlist, and you’ll get notifications from Steam when those games go on sale. There are pretty frequent sales outside of the big ones too so if you can only get a few games on the upcoming sale, don’t worry because another one will be here soon enough.
Welcome! And say goodbye to your wallet :D
But seriously, I’m curious why this is your first. Always stuck to console before? Finally got some extra spending money? New to gaming in general?
Oh its been a long time!
So my return to ‘PC gaming’, not console gaming, is the Steam Deck! First Steam account, first Steam sale (coming up). I’m so happy to have got this, really enjoying what is possible.
If Borderlands series works for the Deck i would recommend it as well! I am absolutely in love with the franchise from the first to the last game.
The Tomb Raider 2013 reboot is great and works really well on the Deck.
Thanks for reminding me of that, picked it up long ago but never finished it. Perfect excuse to get back into it.
Horizon Zero Dawn is pretty good once you get past the first hour or so, not sure how well it runs on the Deck though
Works great! I’ve been playing it ever since I got my deck
Big recommendation for Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Just finished it on the Deck and it played fantastic. Will be giving Mankind Divided a go shortly.
I could never get into Fallout New Vegas, but for whatever reason playing it on the Steam Deck made it infinitely more enjoyable! I couldn’t recommend it enough.
Oh, and Mass Effect is perfect too.
I had the same experience! I’ve started New Vegas many times over the years, but never got very far along. Playing it on the Steam Deck was fantastic.
You try Shadow of Mordor? Game is really good and goes on dirt cheap sales all the time.
I’m about halfway through Mass Effect Legendary Edition and I’m loving it. Plays great.
If you enjoyed Bioshock… Prey 2017 is a super fun game. Better, I think, outside of a bit of jank.
I’ve had a good time with Elden Ring on the Deck, it runs without a hitch.
You can never go wrong with Dark Souls.
100%! Dark Souls is challenging but incredibly rewarding. They reward pattern recognition and give you a ton of build options. If you’ve ever played Elden Ring, you’ll probably enjoy the third game, too. 😄
All of the titles work well on Steam Deck too, with gold or platinum rankings on ProtonDB.
I’ve been playing Mass Effect lately and it certainly lives up to the hype.
My grip on AAA is definitely weak. but Stellaris works very well both in terms of performance and ability to work the interface; using and customizing a community profile recommended.
Would you say any of the DLCs are a must? I’ve been enjoying the base game and can’t decide which ones to pick up.
Utopia is pretty universally agreed to be the most important DLC. Past that, Overlord is a good pick since they’ve made vassals something you actually want beyond RP reasons and it makes them much more effective, plus it adds hyper relays. I like Galactic Paragons a lot, a lot of people think Federations and Apocalypse are pretty essential, and at that point you’re into picking and choosing what you’d like to have more of.
Thank you! I’ll pick up Utopia and look into the other ones you mentioned.
Maybe Skyrim? It can be pretty fun modded. Same with Minecraft.
Dragon Age Origins is a great RPG with tons of choices and a solid story.
I am currently playing through Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, both are excellent and play great on the deck.
You asked for AAA but I will mention some of my deck favorites from the indie side too: Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon, Hotline Miami 1 and 2 and Monster Train.