Hey guys! My name is cod, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know there’s a change in the mod team now. As you probably know, the creator of this community decided to leave and made a post asking if anyone would be interested in taking over. Long story short, I got the gig, as did another member by the name of BrionGloid. We’re in two different time zones so hopefully that will allow at least one of us to be available at any given time. You may also notice another mod here, by the name of BurntWits, that’s my alt I use on this instance, so that way if there’s any federation issues between my home instance and the one this community is on, I’ll still be able to moderate effectively. As that is a backup account, I’d request any messages to me go to the cod account, as I check that one much more frequently.
On another note, if anyone has any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the change in mod team, the future of the community, or anything else, drop a comment! Or if you’d prefer, my inbox is always open, so feel free to send me a message. I’m in EST and do work full-time shift work, so it may take a few hours for me to respond depending on the time you’re messaging and/or commenting. I believe BrionGloid is in Australia.
Your new community mod, cod
In cod we trust
Thanks for volunteering and stepping up. Modding ain’t easy, but it’s necessary.
I’m happy to do so. I’ll try to be as active as I can, but if you ever see something that doesn’t belong here, I’d kindly ask for you to report it, as it’ll be much easier for me to see (since I’ll get a notification). Hopefully that won’t need to ever happen though! I have faith in this community to be a good natured one
If you ever need a mod in the EU timezone I’d be happy to step up. I go between Spain and the UK so it’s either GMT 00:00 or 01:00
I’ll keep you in mind! It probably wouldn’t hurt to have an EU mod in the future
Hey there! Thank you both for stepping up! Excited to talk about game stuff and not political bullshit
No problem! I’ll be happy to assist this community in any way I can.
I really hope our engagement goes up here, this was easily one of my favourite subreddits so I hope to have lots of discussions here in the future too
Hello cod!
Hello BrionGloid too!
I would hope that „patient“ games are a relaxed community, so i wish many peaceful discussions to us and a boring moderation job for our new mods.
That’s my hope too, I’m not sure if I will make a local account as a backup yet or not.
Hello Dups! Nice to meet you!
Woo excited to see this community grow!
As am I! If you want to help it grow, try to post and comment whenever you can over here. The more engagement we have, the more people will want to engage, and the more posts we have, the better chance at it popping up in someone’s All feed
Thanks for stepping up y’all, I’m too lazy to do it, but happy to be here!
Good luck, cod! Here’s to this community’s growth! (patiently)
Thank you! The community is actually growing quite well I’ve found. Here’s to hoping it stays that way!
Test comment
Glad to hear!
I’m glad that you’re glad! I hope to be an active mod, as best I can be. This isn’t my only community but it’s by far my biggest so it will definitely get the most attention