And what do you recommend to hang on walls, for decorative purposes, besides family photos?
Mine are blank and barren, an empty canvas for the maniacal decorator in me, after carefully negotiated with the family.
Do spider webs count as decoration?
Right now, at this time of the year, yes.
Every month is spooktober if you live in an actual haunted house
So, like mine, which is nearly 100 years old and has a sketchy past.
Only if you let me raise you my Router to your web
Here’s a piece of metal work I cut using a fiber optic laser.
That looks so cool.
Do you work in something metal CAD related?Yes, I mainly operate and maintain this laser for a fabrication company.
That’s really neat!
Flyers & silkscreened posters by friends.
What are you doing with these old writing machine/PCs?
I collect old computers (mostly high-end 90s servers: Sun & SGI, but also some older things like that decwriter & tektronics graphics terminal) and I help run a computer museum, so I frequently have things on loan from the museum - either stuff I’m working on, or photographing.
I had this on loan from the museum a few years ago to get V7 Unix (circa 1979) running on it:
Once I found some nice maple leaves, so I put them in a cheap photo frame and hung them on the wall. It looked nice, do I expanded on the idea and started doing lots of these picture frames with dry leaves in them. The best one I have is an A4 paper completely covered in nettle leaves. They also form a fish scale pattern, which makes it look really cool.
All sorts of stuff. Books, trinkets, records, art. I like to hit up small regional galleries and local artists exhibits for original art, but I also have a lot of prints and posters as well.
Art gallery gift shops are a fantastic place for high quality prints and posters that don’t break the bank, and then you can spend as much or as little as you like on getting them mounted and on display.
Books are a must for me but I was really looking for suggestions like the ones you gave on your second paragraph. Thank you.
I have a signed photos of Patrick Stewart and William Shatner. Nothing else lol, the rest of my walls are essentially bare. But, I’ve never been one for wall decor (somewhat of a minimalist), and the few items that are up weren’t chosen by me.
It’s always a fun conversation when I’m initially dating someone as to why those are up. Unfortunately, getting people you’re dating to watch Star Trek is harder than you would think. 🤣
That electric guitar you bought and don’t use.
Just the paint
And that is valid. I’ve seen buckets of paint with such long price tags it made me wonder if was the price for the entire pallet.
Haha I have a tote of art in frames that I want to put up somewhere but never satisfied with how to arrange it so it just sits in the tote, plus the blank walls makes it feel bigger haha
Ahh, classic!
Maps, lots and lots of maps.
I have 2 foil art pictures. Afaik it’s a toner print on cardstock and then a foil is baked on the paper and peeled leaving only the foil on the parts where the toner was earlier.
One is a moon in silver holographic and another is an entry ticket to “space” with a gold foil printPicture:
Ordered on Etsy. If requested I will try to find the page of the seller.
Why are you just ignoring whatever that text panel is next to it. We just what?
Excuse the mess
We just wanted to you to feel at home.Felt very fitting for my room.
local fire regulations say no wall coverings allowed unless they’re non-flammable
Are these regulations you hung on the wall flammable?
Entry hallway has black light tapestries. Very large tapestry of tree and fairy lights over bed. All 3 tapestries, $40 on Amazon. 2 framed paintings of day of dead women, got for cheap in local latino hood. A small USB powered projectors covers walls, ceiling with animated aurora borealis. The first 100 digits of pi, written with colored markers.
Ooh, now I want a projector to cover my ceiling with the stars currently overhead (which I can’t see because light pollution and also there’s a ceiling in the way).
I got mine on Amazon, $15 I think. Tiny, lightweight, can even put into bag, travel with it, liven up bare wall hotels.
A few posters I bought from the campus poster sale at the start of the year. (Specifically, a woodblock print, a solar system map and a Cowboy Bebop poster.)
I have a huge window with a nice view (in a university owned apartment no less!) so I can afford to skimp on the other walls.
My mom likes to do assorted crafts, so we have a few painted adornments, even a 3D painting of sorts she made using some specialized putty and acrylic paint. It looks real nice, I should upload a picture of it later.
You should!
Nothing because im renting and don’t trust anything to not rip paint off the walls
If that happens, it just tells how much paint is on the wall and how cheap it is, which is a really bad sign.