I have one in my drawer, I want a snack, and I like Snickers. But I can’t bring myself to eat it. I don’t want a half-eaten candy bar in my drawer (you want ants? that’s how you get ants.) but I also don’t want to eat the whole thing (i’m smol and that’s a ridiculous amount of calories) but i cant bring myself to throw the uneaten part away. So it just stays there, taunting me, making me wish it were fun-sized.
chop it into bits and then put the other parts in the fridge
Is this some weird attempt at guerilla marketing? Because we don’t get the same crowds here as Reddit does, so it’s kinda pointless. Unlike drinking cool and refreshing Pepsi Cola - Pepsi Cola, the cool and refreshing cola drink.
Now that you mention it, I could really use a Coke. And some Taco Bell.
I occasionally eat one as a “meal replacement” when I can’t get normal food.
But a resealable container solves the ant problem.
But a resealable container solves the ant problem.
How do you wrangle them all in there?
I occasionally eat one as a “meal replacement” when I can’t get normal food.
Came here to say the same. I would not eat a candy bar under normal circumstances, but I keep some Snickers handy just for the rare occasion when what I really need is a meal’s worth of calories that I can eat in under a minute, or carry with me and take up only a little space.
I’d cut it into 4 pieces and store them in a ziploc in the drawer. GOAAAALLLLL
When I was a teenager I would eat the full sized ice cream ones sometimes, thinking that they were delicious. I tried one again as an adult a few years ago and it didn’t hold up.
I finish it every time. I also feel bad about finishing it every time.
If this at work and they have a freezer that is not sketchy you could store the leftover portion in there. Taped end, plastic container, etc. Recommend labeling it with a date and name to reduce the chance it gets tossed or pilfered.
Just eat the whole thing
Why stop at 1?
Make a friend to share with. Offering half a candy bar is a great way to make friends.
Would you like half a candy bar?
Yes please. See we’re friends now, let’s go share our candy bar in the shade of that big ole oak tree and see what the wind in the leaves tells us about life.