What’s going on?

  • kitonthenet
    02 years ago

    So they can kiss user growth goodbye. It’s interesting to watch, because it’s like someone who has no understanding of the business model is running it. Embedded tweets and viewing tweets on the web is free advertising!

  • mahomz
    02 years ago

    If like me, you only engage with Twitter to the extent of clicking on a link that takes you to a Tweet, reading it and then getting the hell out before the brain dead replies consume what little remains of your soul, then can I recommend Googling up an addon for your preferred browser that redirects Twitter to Nitter as a way around this new barrier to entry.

    I am using this one

  • AmbroisindeMontaigu
    02 years ago

    Reddit: Demonstrates that locking away content is bad for the site and the wider internet.

    Elon Musk: “I want that for my website!”