too bad the water source isnt visible so we could label it ‘united states funding’
You need a plain water tap with no one pressing the button. And the cup below labeled Gaza.
Well you can be both a perpetrator and a victim
Was about to say. It should be ‘Committing war crimes’ and ‘Also a victim’ lol.
Having 1,200 of your countrymen slaughtered through terrorist violence makes you a victim. It doesn’t give carte blanche to annihilate everything in your path for vengeance though.
You stop qualifying for sympathy when you as the victim decide to escalate in the name of revenge
I’m admittedly not well-versed in international affairs, but hasn’t Israel been waiting for an opportunity to do exactly what they’re doing for decades? We’ve armed them to the tooth, and that has always been at least a little concerning because we understood this to be their disposition. I fully expected some light genocide after hearing about the Hamas attack. It’s looking like they might exceed expectations too. I’m a little shocked at our indifference.
Yeah, that could be Hamas too.
Could be Russia too, could be Ukraine too
Shit, fighting for freedom is illegal ? We should tell Ukraine about it.
Yea like raping and killing innocent people on a festival. I would never say that its ok what Israel is doing. Its horrible.
But comparing Hamas with Ukraine is more than stupid, especially Ukraine didn’t attack russia.
What Isreal has been doing to the palistinians for several decades :
- Ethnic cleansing.
- Stealing their land and demolishing their houses to put fucking settlers.
- a genocide every few years
- bombing civilians targeting civilians, schools and hospitals
I bet the freaking party was on fucking stolen land too.
Freedom to palestine.
Sorry not playing your stupid game of who is worse and whataboutism
Both are doing horrible things to people. We should highlight each of those. If you think one action justify the other, you will get in a vicious circle And we should fight for human rights, not against each other.
Hamas are fighting for their freedom. They’re killing/kidnapping civilians because Isreal has been doing it for decades and been cheered for it. Massacre can go both ways.
Fighting war crimes with war crimes doesn’t make it okay
It’s called fight for freedom. The fuck are they supposed to do ? accept being massacre , just wait for the next bomb to kill their entire family ? Wtf ?
that’s a kindergarten level of doing things. “uuuuuuugh you did that to me imma do the same for you uuuuuuugh”. that’s straight up pathetic.
Your argumentation is pretty shortened. Its the same argument if somebody say, Israel is fighting for its freedom after anti semitic movements and nazism in central and eastern europe.
There are no rights, when it comes to harming innocent civilians.
Edit: On both sides of course, same.goes for the army of Israel and not helping civilians.
Isreal is killing civilians deliberately to punish them for their fight freedom. Colonizers in the past used this tactic with every country they colonized. The colonizer must not feel safe in the land he’s stealing. The colonizer need to fucking leave.
If roles were reversed gaza wouldn’t exist at all
Isreal shouldn’t have existed.
Better start another war to remove them. That’ll work. Even if that were true it ignores the reality it’s there now.
Earth is dying, ressources depleting and temperature are rising. Do you expect a bright future ahead ? By 2050, the Middle East will have unbearable heat waves and it will be getting worse from there. It’s there now , yes, but doubt it’ll be there in the next century. Most humanity either, but that’s a bonus.
I am pretty sure that Ukraine attacked Russia, after Russia started stealing it’s land.
you mean attacking military infrastructure after one year+ of shelling? Thats something completely different.
If Ukraine did or does war crimes, they should be condemned.
you mean attacking military infrastructure one year+ of shelling?
That’s not as bad as 17years of starvation and oppression.
Ukraine is very organized compared to Hamas; they have an actual government that’s allowed to function and can instruct it’s troops.
If Russia was surrounding Ukraine while the US wasn’t giving aid to them, the Ukrainian government would either not exist, or become a “terrorist group” that’s divided into a dozen militants that are barely organized. An attack formed by this group would be devastating to Russian civilians, because even if the head of this organization intends on not hurting civilians, will the militant groups that are mostly comprised of radicalized Ukrainians looking for revenge care?
Thats something completely different. If Ukraine did or does war crimes, they should be condemned.
Ukraine should start committing war crimes, maybe that would get them more US support.
Or they would get completely wiped out. Like look at the occupied territory of Ukraine.
Yea lets commit war crimes, who doesn’t want to live in such a world.
Or they would get completely wiped out. Like look at the occupied territory of Ukraine.
Oh, so if you are fighting a bigger country and don’t have allies, just die. Very smart move.
If the purpose of the comment is to show that the occupation is being merciful by not wiping out Palestine, then you might be ignoring that they’re doing just that.
Just look at how much space settlements are taking up in the West bank. They’re just doing it more slowly because they’ll have useful agents like you to defend them after Palestinians inevitably resort to violence.
The US wouldn’t even condemn the building of these settlements, even though their condemnation would do absolutely nothing.
Yea lets commit war crimes, who doesn’t want to live in such a world.
We’re already here.
… this is a joke right? Israel has been attacking Palestine for 75 fucking years. So it’s OK if it’s one year, but not 75?
First of all, don’t put words in my mouth.
This conflict is not one directional. Please check your history books,.or Wikipedia.
Defending is not attacking. Words matter
Defending what? Is it their land they’re defending? Last time I checked Russia was claiming that the land belonged either to them or to an independent state. That would be attacking.
a ukrainian here.
shut the fuck up. you just compared us to fucking terrorists. that’s fucking disgusting. what’s happening in israel has no shit to do with us.
Yeah, the fact that your president sided with the colonizer was the most ironic shit ever . You’re fight for freedom is a terrorist act to Russia but i don’t side with a colonizer ever.
brainwashing in action.
There’s no worst brainwashing than being for massacre and genocide and defending it.
i’m not defending anything, i have no knowledge of the situation in israel and am not qualified to talk about the good and bad, but i’ve seen what hamas did, and i see that as a terrorism. and i will not let the comparison of us and hamas slide.
I seen what Isreal did is doing and are planning to continue doing and they’re worst than even fucking WW2 Germany.
A terrorist attack that targeted civilians exclusively and subsequently slowly killing hostages while using them for propaganda videos and shooting at fleeing Palestinians is not “fighting for freedom”.
Educate yourself on the entire conflict before you publicly support terrorism.
Don’t worry i read the long list of Israel crimes, saw enough video,images of what’s Israel has done to Palestinians to be well educated. At least enough that you’re bullshit pro Isreal propaganda doesn’t work.
What a stupid comparison. How do you even think those are semi related
I geuss Palestinians don’t deserve to fight their freedom according to you.
Again the 2 aren’t even relatable is my entire point you’re refusing to comprehend.
You’re like a 5 year old suggesting all conflicts are equivalent.
Ukraine didn’t mass murder Russian civilians. Ukraine and Russia aren’t religious fanatics fighting for “holy land”.
Ukraine didn’t mass murder Russian civilians.
Ironic since. Isreal is the one mass murdering Palestinian civilians since it’s inception. Your mixing the colonizer and the colonized here, buddy.
Russia aren’t religious fanatics fighting for “holy land”.
Even more Ironic since that’s why Isreal was put in palestine by its “founders”.
Same with hamas but red is pretending to represent palestine
But I have no hope of influencing Hamas.
My vote and political activism has some small chance of affecting Israeli policy so that’s what I’m more engaged in.
I saw somebody on TV saying “what people don’t understand is that Hamas wants civilian deaths”. Oh I get it, I get it just fine. It doesn’t change the fact that Netanyahu etc are giving them exactly exactly what they want.
Hamas doesn’t even claim to represent all of Palestine. They represent the Gaza strip which they governed legitimately after a free and fair election. They would indeed probably win in the west bank too if the collaboration government there held elections, but the Axis of Resistance is a broad coalition of groups opposing the illegal “Israeli” occupation of their land and ethnic cleansing of their people, and includes all sorts of colorful groups like the Marxist PFLP and general-nationalist Lion’s Den, as well as foreign groups like Hezbollah.
It’s just that braindead western propaganda only talks about Hamas because they’re the scariest to white people. They’re “like ISIS” as the vile Zionist pundits are quick to remind you every time they come up in the news (simply a ridiculous, childish comparison). Calling it the “Hamas-Israel war” is intentional to obscure the fact that it is the Zionist entity that is waging a war against the entire population of Palestine, and has been doing so for decades.
Hamas was elected seventeen years ago.
It’s the slightly less motivated “committing”
What’s frustrating to me as a person who’s generally against violence is that Israel has a pretty elite secret police force and pretty elite special forces that they (apparently) haven’t used at all to deal with the actual perpetrators of the October 7th massacre & kidnapping.
They just started bombing thousands of civilians to kill dozens, maybe hundreds of Hamas militants.
Like, surely they could have cut the head off the Hamas Snake with surgical strike teams infiltrating Gaza, probably the West Bank, and international locations in Qatar or wherever the leadership is.
Reasonable people could conclude that Israel had to respond to Oct 7th, and that the best target would be Hamas. I can’t fathom how any reasonable people could conclude that bombing groups of people with 90% or more innocent civilians and the rest possible militants is a good response.
I can imagine that UNreasonable people might conclude that all Palestinians are guilty by association (because Hamas is their Netanyahu-supported elected government) and they’re all militants (even the babies). Or those unreasonable people might believe that Palestinians aren’t people worthy of protection.
So goddamned frustrating.
Israel could simply have not starved the people living in the Gaza strip to death over the course of decades while occasionally flicking airstrikes at them, which they were doing long before October.
I often wonder how people can forget this considering Isreal has been commiting genocide, ethnic cleansing, hate crimes since it’s inception like wtf ?
It’s actually surprising that Hamas didn’t get more votes in the election, when the other option was getting ruled by Fatah. Who would want the enemy’s puppet governing them?
What’s the point of voting when you could have your entire family obliterated at any instant ? Women in palestine have said that their only wish when their children dies in a strike is to find their bodies intact and not pieces by pieces. Just remembering these words is making me sick and They’re living it. Fuck Isreal and anyone that defend it.
There was an IDF representative who said that they were not going for accuracy. Which means that they are intentionally killing civilians.
Actually, weren’t they severely embarrassed by those recent attacks, having been totally caught off guard? Maybe we’re overestimating just how good their forces really are.
What you’re saying is during an active war they haven’t heavily publicised what their special forces and secret agents have been doing?
I say heavily because they have mentioned various success their covert units have had, one example is them sneaking into a tunnel while everyone was busy firing rockets at Israel then taking all the secret documents revealing the location of other tunnel networks and fighters.
Of course Israel wants to find the kidnapped people and free them, of course they want to kill or capture the Hamas leaders, and of course they don’t want to kill innocent people. Those aren’t easy things in the situation they’re in.
The leader of Hamas assuming he’s back from his recent trip to Iran is at home in Doha, the local commanders are in their bases deep under hospitals, the fighters are dressed as civilians and of course get added to the civilian casualties lists - especially the teenagers fighting for Hamas…
People act like Israel is in an easy position but that really isn’t close to reality.
I think you are overestimating the value of special forces. We kind of mythologize them with our media, but they are not action heroes. You arnt going to send them into a hostile city where Hamas is not in uniform, planned for the retaliation, had time to prepare, and expect them to come out with low casualties.
For example of what this looks like with the US, refer to
Even the US after 9-11 didn’t just send in spec ops after Osama, they went in whole hog. And that was estimated at about 4.5 million casualties all around.
It sucks, but Hamas isn’t going to start wearing uniforms and abiding by the Geneva convention any time soon.
Can say the same thing about Hamas and their supporters. We should keep out of this mess. There’s no solution and it won’t end well. Don’t get involved.
I think allowing a nation to commit genocide just because we don’t want to get involved sets a dangerous precedent
It would hardly be the first time.
I’d settle for “not actively supporting it” at this point.
The cup looked rather big to me, but I didn’t know how big 44oz was. Guys, it’s 1.3 liters! Why tf are they carrying a 1.3 liter cup? Do they really drink that much in one day?
is going off the scales rn at some of the comments in this thread
thankfully our great mods have already banned most of the bloodthirsty zionists on our end so we dont have to see their shit unless i choose to peek over into the instance this was posted from to see the full comments section
This is very funny.
Having said that, i rather not be involved in that conflict.
Those guys seem to have beef going on from babylonian times where everybody themsleves where diferent people afaik.
Seems to me like the holy land itself is cursed and its neighboors too.
So yeah i rather just lol at this meme.
The 1000+ Palestinian kids being killed daily by Israeli forces are victims of this “beef” stretching back thousands of years, which is messed up and unfair (stating it mildly). I think that’s what most people are pointing out, that and Israel bombing hospitals.
It’s only been going on since the 1940s when European settlers colonized the area. Do you really think this genocide has something to do with Babylonian times?
I think I’ll choose Sprite instead.
I’m going to walk directly away from this and I’m bringing my ten foot pole with me.
The world according to Lemmy/KBIN :
Nazis and Holocaust deniers, bad
Jew slaughtering Muslim terrorists, and Genocidal Islamic terrorist denial, good
When Jews need you, you fucks are no where to be found, except defending the side which is attacking us, or simply looking the other way. Decades later you think it’s uncouth, with a butchers bill of dead Jews.
Again and again and again.
I’m boosting you to increase your visibility just so more people can see how dumb you are.
I keep seeing you everywhere, and it’s always the same shit everytime. You act as though we’re all hypocrites because you can’t see past your ego.
Firstly, nobody is supporting what Hamas has done or is doing. They slaughtered innocent civilians, and Israel absolutely needed to respond to it…
But do you think for even a second that carpet bombing hundreds of innocent Palestinians was a warranted response to that attack? Do you think killing hundreds of people who had literally nothing to do with Hamas nor the attack justified to you?
If your answer is anything but no, then your strawman of us might just be a mirror of you.
Secondly, stop it with this “All Jews” bullshit. Israel is a Jewish state, not Judaism itself. That’s like saying Saudi Arbia represents all of Islam because of Mecca, or that the Vatican city represents all of Christianity.
Protesting against and criticising Israel for stooping to the same level of heinous war crimes as Hamas is not an attack on Judaism, nor is it people advocating for the slaughter/genocide of Jewish people.
If you can’t distinguish between the two, then this discussion isn’t even worth having.
Edit: Also, just FYI, boosting and upvoting yourself is both dishonest and kinda sad.
Both bad, actually… But also Israeli war crimes bad. I hope that clears things up.
Call out the crimes… Please, what crime?
Yeah they should have just sat back and gone “ah damn, you got us” when Hamas slaughtered a thousand people at a music festival, raped any woman they could find before torturing and killing them, chucked some babies in the oven, took hundreds hostage, and hunted down and executed any of their own people that tried to escape. Definitely what they should have done.
Some of you terrorist apologists are disgusting.