Have we decided if we’re doing emojis on Lemmy? Cause 💀💀💀
Emojis are fine, but if possible nix the reddit vocab like “this.”, “kind stranger”, “you won the internet”
…ah fuck hell shit goddammit
The narwhal no longer bacons at midnight.
Damn, that’s a blast from the past 🤯
I almost hate when people here ask that 🤪 use emojis they express tone and emotion which is missing from text.
Anyone who refuses to use them or let others use them is someone who wants to limit how people express themselves. No bueno.
Urgh I hated the holier than thou stance Reddit had on emoji. I vote yay on emoji use 👍
Lemmy 0.18.x supports custom emojis, so we better be doing emojis on Lemmy
EDIT: Ok apparently it does not work the way I expect it to.
Oh nice! I didn’t know that, that’s great news. 🤘
I think you’re short 2 skulls. 💀💀I helped
Can I get an explanation on the cop?
Tl;Dr: Officer Maegan Hall was found to be sleeping with several of her fellow cops during wild sex parties.
Holy hell
Imagine finding out your wife is cheating on you with a group of guys. I’d be crushed.
Probably not nearly as much as those guys in the sub. 🤔
It is kind of weird that out of the six people involved in that, only she gets the attention.
Yeah, reeks of misogyny
Who is dis?
Left: police officer who was fired for allegedly having sex with five (?) of her fellow officers; there were a lot of memes about her being promiscuous, which this post appears to be referring to, but it later came out that she was coerced and sexually assaulted.
Right: a submarine that imploded catastrophically due to extremely poor engineering and deliberate disregard for safety features, killing its five passengers.