Credit to Neal Agarwal.
Got to 18 with the wonderful password “🥚JanuaryVPassVIIword$Shellr3ny45about🌕🌖chile28Ng3+”
I think I’m gonna call it quits for now.
Nice try NSA’s machine learning algorithm!
I just played this earlier today. I got tripped up on rule 20 then when I had recovered my browser crashed and it made me start over 😩
I got to Rule 16 here. I had problems because the captcha contained chess notation, so for me to get past it I had to also regenerate the captcha to one that didn’t violate any of the other rules. After five attempts I gave up.
Yeahhh this was happening to me too. It took like 30 captchas before I got one that didn’t violate the rule
I got to the Google maps step and was like screw this!
Rule 8 is too dystopian for me. I hate that I can totally see this becoming a real thing.
Really fun, what a shame I don’t know today’s wordle answer yet tho
I got to rule 24 this time before I lost. It gets a lot harder lmao
How did you deal with today’s wordle answer having a C in it?
Lower case doesn’t count for roman numerals!
I think if you put it in lowercase it doesn’t count it as a numeral
Tried twice, got stuck on the chess notation each time, even though I thought the move I was putting in was pretty good, it obviously wasn’t the best.
same, it kept telling me it was an illegal move and that it was white’s turn. I WAS TRYING TO MOVE WHITE. There’s also the possibility I was just doing it wrong.
I think I managed a checkmate and it still wasn’t happy!
Did you remember to add the + or ++ at the end to indicate check or checkmate?
This was a lot more fun to play with than expected. I’ll just wait for someone to write a plugin or app which uses this game as a password generator for KeePass.
Well, that was going well until everything set on fire. I didn’t sign up for QTEs. Good fun, though.
Thanks, I hate it
This is so dumb yet so funny. Once it got to the Wordl part I was like, I gotta do research now?
This game reminds me of real life.
I feel like I play this game every 12 weeks.
I tried putting it through ChatGPT 4 and I got the impression that the Ai wanted to cry
Arrrrr, why does it force me to play chess?
Wordle is fine, geoguesser is alright, but chess?? really?!
Chess got me as well, but more because the captcha that they required be present in the password also happened to be an illegal chess move. Not sure how to get around that one.