Is there any story behind how you discovered it?
Some sugar or caramel, simple, effective
Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Cracked black pepper. Then either shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano or nutritional yeast.
Basically, all the savoury flavours at once - and not as boring as plain salt.
smoked bell pepper powder, chilli powder, MSG, salt and maybe some powdered onion/garlic.
tortilla flavoured popcorn, low on calories if made with a hot air popcorn machine.
This sounds very interesting.
I love asking the guys in the theater to layer the butter! So yummy
My local theatre has some cinnamon added to the sweet popcorn and it’s amazing!
Flavacol and butter flavored coconut oil. Tastes just like the movie theaters. No story… Just learned about Flavacol at work one day when we were talking about the best way to make popcorn. It’s basically just powdered salt.
I’d say its a toss up between butter and whatever they put on Kettle corn
Mini M&Ms
Nutritional yeast tastes great on popcorn. No story just trying to be healthy.
Ooo interesting. I bought some for a recipe that I ended up never making. I’ve heard it tastes kind of like cheese. Is that right?
It’s cheeselike. It’s a similar flavor profile but it doesn’t actually taste like cheese. It’s tasty though, I like it with a bit of margarine in grits too.
I bought some for a vegan gravy recipe (that was shockingly decent, btw), didn’t need most of it and have been slowly using the bag since Thanksgiving. A little goes a long way.