- cries in unemployed *
$3M. I could retire immediately with a comfortable stream of investment income. Anything less would be helpful, but I would still have to work.
$500 would get all my bills caught back up
124,594 hours (14 years) would be enough to retire right now, anything less than that wouldn’t be immediately “life changing” since I’d still have to hold down a job.
Do you mean the income of 14 years, or the income you would get working 14 while years (which with a 40hour work week is more like 60 years of work)?
I took the amount I estimate I would need to retire right now at my current age and divided that by my current hourly rate. So it’s 124,594 working “man-hours”, as you say like 60 years of working. But that value goes down every year I do actually work and as my retirement investments grow.
I assume OP asked it that way to normalize and anonymize it a little.
Well good luck reaching that goal. However 60 years of work seems way to high.
Lots of student loans and no money saved, so unless it’s enough money to pay off all the student loans, buy a house, and have a self sustaining retirement fund, my life wouldn’t change today. Any amount would certainly help in the future, but if it doesn’t reach all those goals, I’ll still have to a similar day-to-day for the time being.
I’m probably going to need a year’s worth of my time, in part because I would use that to take a year off.
Maybe a quarter of a million. Enough to retire in the third world.
Depends how life changing we’re talking. $1k could do up my garden and furnish my house. $10k would mean I wouldn’t need to worry about mortgage repayments for a year.
1 year of salary extra would be unbelievably life-changing. Like…every single stress in life would be eliminated. Shoot, even $10k extra would be HUGELY beneficial.
Been thinking about starting to drive Door dash or another side gig to supplement income.
20 years. Mortgage + interest paid off. I’d still have to work of course, but to be mortgage free would be a game changer.
Including not needing to work, maybe another 20 years on top of that.
Kinda depressing huh
I’m impressed that would be only a year. I have so many debt I thought it would be 3 to 5 years.
Anything more than $30 000 I guess
Two years worth would be enough down payment for the mortgage on a nice, non-starter home in my area affordable. Anything less would just go towards that future goal.
I don’t think money would change my life. I make enough to pay my bills and eat. I have plenty of friends, and that doesn’t cost money.