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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • I would disagree with your premise but it’s not your fault. It’s my fault for not explaining it clearly

    TBF, i was being a little unreasonably harsh, but i was trying to make a point off of minimal descriptive language so i don’t really have much flexibility there.

    I don’t think not knowing something makes you stupid. Humans can’t know everything. We all have strengths and weaknesses. I know about taxes, but I don’t know shit about cooking. He cooks dinner, I deal with the bureaucracy situations.

    Personally i think being stupid isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s just a lack of education, but i think what really matters is whether or not you weaponize it, if you don’t know anything about that topic, you would be relatively stupid in that space, however if you acknowledge that you know nothing and have no practical knowledge basis, that’s fine. It’s when you know nothing, know that you know nothing, and still engage with it even though you know you have a limited basis to act upon, that it’s a problem.

    Also, I’m don’t know if you’ve ever spent time with someone who struggles with ADHD and Neurodivergence but their brains don’t work like others. They can’t force themselves to do things that other people can tough out. They can study all night but if their brain can’t stay on track, they won’t be able to retain it.

    believe me, i understand it, i’m very ADHD coded, but that usually means i just never get around to doing the things that i need to do (which is relevant here) i don’t normally make up weird tangentially relevant reasoning to cope about why i don’t do those things though. Personally i find very directed note taking helps a lot with retaining, and it acts as a cheatsheet for when you do inevitably forget about it later on. Though it still requires researching it in the first place.

    When I come along and start telling him how tax brackets work, especially if he didn’t ask me, hes going to be frustrated and he’s not going to get through it easily.

    there could be a few reasons for this, ignoring external influences, like being pre-occupied, you’re either going to have a problem with explaining it, and you need to alter the explanation so it’s easier to comprehend, or you’re going to have a problem comprehending it, but tax brackets are pretty conceptually simple from my understanding. It should take like 2 minutes to explain the concept of tax brackets to someone, obviously filling them in on all of the details takes longer, but it’s the relevant part here.

    If you aren’t capable of digesting that level of explanation, i’d be concerned about either your level of intelligence, or your ability to care about things. If you aren’t capable of caring about something as important as finance, and relatively simple as tax brackets, i’m not really sure what you’d be capable of even conceptualizing in the first place. In my mind, that’s either weaponized incompetence, or you have a significant learning disability/developmental disability, as an adult. Which is something that should probably be addressed, obviously i’m not at liberty to talk about any specific person here, but i would personally be pretty concerned by that. Even as someone who struggles with this kind of stuff.

    I don’t know if he just doesn’t want to work OT and has settled on this excuse or if there is some other issue but it doesn’t matter. If he doesn’t want to work OT, that’s okay!

    Yeah, again not wanting to work OT is perfectly fine, but if that’s the reason i’d be confused as to why he’s using an irrelevant topic to excuse that, instead of just being upfront about it, seems weird to me on face value. The other option is that he seriously believes what he’s saying, even with you correcting him, which means he doesn’t trust you, even though you would be the one filing the taxes, which is also incredibly weird. Even if you try explaining it to him, it doesn’t seem to matter, so i’m not really sure what the deal is here, but it’s weird. Like you see what i mean here right? This doesn’t really check out logically in any significant capacity. Granted, it’s possible you’ve left out relevant details that would impact that, but i’m just basing this off of what i’m reading so there’s that for take it with a grain of salt.

    Regardless of this specific event, it’s probably going to influence future recurring behaviors, so it’s something to think about. Generally it’s rare that people latch onto a specific mechanism of behavior for one, and only that one thing, it usually applies to other things as well.

  • i thought we were talking about how i was an old man on the internet roleplaying as a hip young kid, or are you not OP and you’ve somehow stumbled into this random back alley where i’m ominously positioned.

    Regardless, it’s not “moving right” people on the left see it as “moving right” because they’re on the left and have about 12 iq, whether or not the bipartisian support mattered or not is a different question, doesn’t seem like it really did much frankly, but it’s not “moving to the right” that’s for sure.

    Kicking progressives even harder?

    if you care about progressive politics, go find a progressive politician, oh wait, there are none, because it’s not a suitable political climate to engage in. AOC used to be progressive, she’s slowly drifted more and more towards the left since beginning her career though, progressivism strictly resides in the social sphere, and that’s fine.

    Minorities abandoned themselves on this election cycle anyway.

  • whenever they have to time to do normal people shit? Even slow learning is better than no learning, you can learn a lot over a long period of time if you keep at it regularly.

    Perhaps maybe they should spend less time watching their favorite political sock puppets talk about politics, and spend more time actually learning about shit that’s important and matters. Or maybe instead of yelling at people online about their political views, they could spend that time educating themselves instead. Just a proposal.

  • have you considered asking him why he even thinks that in the first place? You’ve literally put him into a spot where he’s too stupid to even care about whether or not that response is logical or makes sense.

    If he just doesn’t want to work overtime that’s fine, a lot of people don’t, why would he justify it with stupid tax logic that he evidently must know is stupid? Seems like cope to me.

    You cannot simultaneously “be smart” and then “be stupid” you are either stupid about something, or not. It’s one of the two. I’m sure he’s a pretty generally smart guy, most people are, but either it’s an excuse he uses because he doesnt want to work overtime, or he’s literally uneducated (and therefore stupid) about taxes, and chooses not to be educated about it, even though it would be financially beneficial to him, because that’s literally how money works. (which would also make him pretty objectively stupid in that case) again, he may not care at all, but then why wouldn’t he just be upfront about not caring?

  • Shouldn’t it be physically possible to be taxed so much that your income lowers compared to what it was previously?

    Like you would have to have a 20% bump in pay, and an increase in taxes that’s like 25-50% or something insane. Of course if you cherry pick data, and pick a high ceiling, and then just barely pass a threshold you can probably make it appear, but that would be a pretty well defined statistical anomaly. And, not very much money.

    edit: and this is assuming that taxes literally just don’t work the way that they do, this is WITH broken tax logic.

    of course, the idea of a progressive income tax is that at a certain point, it becomes untenable to hold so much money. But unless taxes are literally 100% it’s hard to make the argument that you’re “losing” money.

  • jfc, no I am not a furry.

    i’m just giving you a hard time, don’t sweat it.

    I don’t even have programmer socks.

    i thought this was for the femboy certification, relevant to furries, but only in relation.

    pretty sick story though, cosplaying is neat, wouldn’t ever get into it myself, too computer pilled personally.

    I’ve known a few furries, across the internet, but no I’ve never had a fursona or fursuit or any of that, never used a furry ingame avatar, nope.

    aw, you’re missing out, it’s fun! (i jest)

    anyway, judging from this comment you’re like, once, maybe twice removed from the furry community. It may or may not crop up in your future, long term or short, anyway enough palm reading or whatever the fuck this is.

  • RIP.

    [1] The idiots on the right think it’s because papers were “too liberal”, lol, and either completely ignorant of, or lying about, how the advertisement model was nuked by things like Craig’s list and so on.

    it’s the fascist rhetoric rule. Unfortunately it’s so incredibly prevalent these days im not sure society will be able to make a comeback from it. I think we’ve reached a point of no return in terms of “why do people care about this shit” it’s gotten to a point where it justifies caring about itself innately. Rather than any sort of external justification, and people keep falling for it.

    Step 1: lie

    step 2: gaslight people

    step 3: gaslight and legitimize

    step 3: you win

  • Short answer: Learn statistics. Slightly longer answer: 604 people is more than enough for a normal distribution to appear, so if the sample size was “really small” it’d be reflected in the margin of error.

    shorter answer, statistics is really hard, like really really hard. It’s so incredibly easy to fuck up a survey/poll like this is so many possible ways it’s hard to even describe. Even something as simple as survey completion rates can influence a polls accuracy.

    Biased towards… Palestinians’ rights? The fuck are you talking about?

    yeah, that’s not a problem, just worth pointing out that they have a very explicit ideological alignment, wouldn’t exactly benefit them to publish polling that shows the opposite would it?

    What voting numbers? The ones where she lost all seven swing states? Also I quite distinctly remember a whole lot of “hold your nose and vote for her”, which isn’t what you say about a “pretty competitive” candidate.

    you mean the trend that has been nearly entirely global in scope? You mean the trend that has SO aggressively outrun every previous election that it made news shortly after the election period? That one?

    Also I quite distinctly remember a whole lot of “hold your nose and vote for her”, which isn’t what you say about a “pretty competitive” candidate.

    because for some reason people are too far up their own asshole to do a productive service for their country, because they think they’re above it somehow, it’s a continual trend every dem cycle, happens every fucking time.

    Quotes for those things from September or October?

    most likely in October, some of them likely happened earlier in September, though that would’ve been early in the candidacy. Her campaign got rolling early august, really started moving forwards late august, which was very late. Voting is early in November, so unlikely for much to happen in that month.

    Again, the fuck are you talking about? Grocery price gouging during recessions is a widespread and documented phenomenon, and if you don’t understand that then you really are in no position to discuss the November election, because you don’t understand the people’s grievances that Harris failed to address.

    again, prices evidently went up, to which harris proposed a price ceiling on groceries, something you would know if you didn’t huff so many aerosols to make these posts. Maybe that didn’t address anything, but she was also, not the president at that time, so.

    To what extent that price increase was due to things like covid, inflation, or price gouging is not clear to me, maybe it’s more evident, but from what i saw, it’s based on companies listing significant profits over covid, which was mostly because consumer spending was SIGNIFICANTLY higher through that period of time, and these sorts of things tend to lag the market a bit. The price could’ve also gone up because of less supply, that’s pretty common. Again, things like the prices of eggs aren’t related to anything here, that was entirely due to birdflu.

    “Good” doesn’t need a frame of reference; it’s an absolute judgement. “Better” is a relative judgement that does require a frame if reference. Most people can judge whether something is good without being offered a specific frame of reference,

    it does though? Good is relative, evil is relative, there is no “intrinsic good” murdering someone is bad, murdering someone that does something bad, is good, crimes are bad, unless a guy named luigi did them. Nobody operates on explicitly intrinsic morals, you have to operating in some sort of reference frame here, i’m just trying to figure out if your reference frame is like, a dog, or something. Something that would very explicitly discount your whole viewpoint from a credible perspective.

    Most people operate in a defined frame of reference, it’s just that most people base that on things like “laws” and “social norms” however politics has been so brain fucked i can only assume people base it off the trip demons that visit them when they experience hypoxia due to lack of breathing from how much fent they did.

    and to most people a candidate that doesn’t even acknowledge a problem exists (again, “nothing comes to mind”) is not good.

    should i accuse you of cherry picking examples here? In the same way that you accuse me of moving the goalposts, or is that somehow bad faith here because i’m the one doing it?