Anyone know what book this is from? I’m guessing from Zdarsky’s run of Batman? Feels like a gag he’d write at least.
Anyone know what book this is from? I’m guessing from Zdarsky’s run of Batman? Feels like a gag he’d write at least.
Stupidity is morally wrong and should be illegal in my opinion
Pure speculation, but I could also easily see it just being kids from other nearby schools that heard about a protest at Columbia and rode the subway up from NYU, or CUNY, or any number of schools in the area. Technically outsiders at that point, but I wouldn’t really consider them as such.
The layoffs were after Microsoft bought em.
Taste aside, some of y’all really need to learn the definition of obscure.
Dude, London Calling (the Clash album this song is from) sold over 5 million copies. They are in no way obscure.
Nah, fuck that. If she had sick days they are hers to decide how to use em.
Yeah, I thought I might be getting whooshed there, but I also thought there might be people that saw the shit they were selling for real money and just assumed it was a free to play game, cuz clearly this sort of monetization has no place in $70 games, but well…here we are.
Uh…it’s not free to play it’s $70. So ostensibly it can make its money off its upfront $70 entry fee.
No Mr. Feeny. I’ll give it a B-
Mistborn, developed by Insomniac. I feel like they could really do a good push/pull traversal mechanic.
They did one playtest that was 5v5 CTF. Most playtests have been 12v12.
Wait, are you saying yes it’s unethical to give fake money to beggars and strippers, or yes, it’s ok to give them fake money?
Cuz…it’s really not ok to give either of them fake money.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
However, the book DOES have “literary importance,” as determined by it winning the National Book Award, winning the Kirkus Prize, and being a Pulitzer finalist.
Though I notice elsewhere in the thread you refer to those as “literature prices” multiple times, and would like to point out that they are, in fact, “prizes”. Prices are the cost of things you buy at the store. Prizes are awarded for achievement in a given field.
As such, I do not believe you are fit to be the arbiter of what gets to be taught in English class. It is clear you could use a few lessons on the subject yourself, and besides, before espousing that a book should only be taught in one type of classroom (Social Studies) and not another (English), a person should probably read said book. You clearly haven’t.
What makes you think that because they’ve never had Taco Bell they’ve never had Mexican food at all?
Gonna work on my tannage, buuuuddy!
Source for this planned 4th season? Everything I’ve heard/read indicates that Sterlin Harjo felt the end of season 3 was the natural place to end it and it was his decision to stop there.
You’re attributing a lot of things to me that I never said. On the whole though, I don’t disagree with you.
The DnD episode of Community didn’t need to be removed from all streaming platforms… Largest independent bookstore in the world, they ship to Canada, but it ain’t gonna be particularly cheap i’m guessing.