Well, and also because I can express my hope that a piano fall on Spez’s head.
Well, and also because I can express my hope that a piano fall on Spez’s head.
I don’t think America has the stomach for it. I would expect insubordination and sabotage.
Projection. Again.
Fuck Russia, fuck trump.
Republicans are ghouls.
Let the MAGATs starve.
Interesting that the orange traitor flooded CA’s farms in response to the recent wildfires, while also threatening undocumented farm workers, while also levying taxes across broad swaths of the economy. Seems to me that he’s been instructed on actions to take to raise food prices. Hmm…
FUCK THAT. Let’s see eggs go to $5/each. We need to face the consequences of our collective fucking idiot electoral choices.
I doubt he has rudimentary abilities to synthesize information. He’s being handled. He cannot think past surface-level and is a slave to emotion. The man who owns him is the one doing the thinking.
This ends with blood in the streets. We just need to decide whose blood.
Good. Fuck trump.
MAGAts can all starve to death.
You know what would be dope tho is if he were underwater in a swasticar.
Don’t you all have torches and pitchforks???
We should have drawn and quartered Nixon.
Fuck Russia, including the republican traitor filth.
Best i can do is $3.50.
The magats can all starve.