These kinds of frivolous lawsuits won’t lead to anything and as far as I know none of them has ever been decided in favor of the complaints.
These kinds of frivolous lawsuits won’t lead to anything and as far as I know none of them has ever been decided in favor of the complaints.
Why didn’t he disengage and start breaking?
It’s open source and decentralized, will hopefully make a difference.
The more we use Odysee the more will it seem like a valid alternative.
Personally I watch videos from the creators that have mirrored their YT channel to Odysee.
Very interesting, how does Spotify and LastFM get your listening habits to create the recommended lists?
I don’t support any side because I’m not an American, this shit doesn’t concern me. It’s not my culture war.
It is shit because these kinds of “memes” are not made to amuse, they’re made to spread ideological views and increase polarization.
Is there any “Memes” community that doesn’t post shit like this? We non Americans don’t care about this, we just want some fun memes and not being forcefed your culture war crap.
This is my thinking as well, I wonder if it’s still the “best” way.
The best stations are in Sweden.
You can tell them that this regulation does not seem to target phones or tablets.
For batteries that are incorporated in mobile phones and tablets it is appropriate to set performance and durability requirements regarding those batteries through a future eco-design regulation addressing phones and tablets
No one has said it’s the kids fault, this interpretation is just unnecessary and hostile.
I commented that if we stop giving kids new smartphones every year and if teens stop buying tons of child slavery clothes from China they can help us to combat climate change.
I don’t get this sarcasm, been on Reddit for too long?
Not buying smartphones for kids and not buying tons of cheap clothes from China will make an impact, this is something kids can do to help save us from climate change. Am I wrong?
If children stops asking for cell phones from when they turn 5 years old and youngsters stop shopping “hauls” from Chinese places like Shein then maybe they could make an impact.
Not really into reading Reddit anymore but I just wanted to comment that I found the assumption that people would know what a portmanteau is but at the same time not understanding that the name is made out of libre + reddit funny.
Have a nice evening!
Yes I have corrected Google on numerous times and sure the changes go through, only to be rescinded after about three months.
I work at a small business with only a few employees, one of my tasks is to update our online presence. Our warehouse is located in an awkward position which makes it hard for deliveries to find us, often they call for directions. I have gotten Google to change our pin position to a more correct place and also added a small road to get to us but these disappear after about three months. I have tried to contact Google about it for over a year but I have gotten no answers.
All software and services has bugs and missing features, Google maps as well.
The difference here is that the user is actually able to fix these missing details on the maps themselves if they want. Or ask the local mapping team for help.
Have you ever tried to correct anything on Google maps?
Wow, that’s so cool. 👍
Seems like you are confusing the lawsuits.
This one, and others, are against governments and not companies.