My 13 hour flight just got delayed 7 hours, I’m stuck at my second airport, and I dont think I’m gonna make it. I have some movies and audio books on my phone, but really only anticipated having to burn the flight time via napping and some media, not 7 hours leading up to it, and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna mentally burn out on passive media.

  • I have media on my phone - movies, shows and audio books, but I can only do about 2-3 hours at a stretch before I burn out on those things.
  • I have wifi and power both on the ground and on the plane, although I’m sure the connection once we get going isn’t going to be performance enough for online games.
  • I have a phone and headset but didn’t bring a laptop because it was just extra bulk I didn’t think I’d need. I don’t have a switch or steam deck or anything neat.
  • I have access to the airport lounge, so drinks are free, and I get free drinks on the plane. I don’t want to get wasted or have to pee constantly, so my plan is to jim lahey it.
  • I’m intrigued by mobile games, but every one I’ve tried has felt too gimmicky with gambling or freemium BS mechanics. Also tried started valley but it never got me hooked either. I have an android and will buy games if they’re worth it.
  • I’m open to any other ideas that could somehow mentally (or physically while on the ground) stimulate me.
  • I’m a dude in my 30s with a family and kids, but I’m currently traveling solo.
  • I’ve already killed 2 hours on a plane and 2 more on the ground (my planned connection time) doing nothing, I was saving my media trying to avoid burning out on shit before I get on the plane.
  • I suck at sleeping when on the go.
  • I’m on my 3rd mimosa and bored as fuck.


    522 years ago

    I’d recommend reading Wikipedia

    More content than you could possibly read, short reads typically, you learn stuff, and you can make games out of it

    A game I like to play is to come up with 2 completely unrelated things, start on thing 1, and see if you can get to thing 2 on Wikipedia in 6 tabs or less, using Wikipedia links only

      152 years ago

      The number of wiki tabs open on my phone from shit that I intend to finish in the future but rarely make time to do so supports this suggestion.

      112 years ago

      In a similar vein, TV tropes. It’s a well known time sink and you learn a lot about pop culture.

    • LanyrdSkynrd [comrade/them, any]
      2 years ago

      Click the first link on a Wikipedia page that is not a date or a pronunciation and is not in italics. Do that on each subsequent page until you get to Philosophy.

      The game is to find a subject that is the farthest from Philosophy.

      52 years ago

      Best advice out of all comments! Wikipedia is strongly underestimated as a content platform for entertainments.

      42 years ago

      Do you play with the rule that the connection has to go both ways that is you can get from page A to page B in six links and that you can get from page B to page A in also six links? Or is is sufficient that you can find a path from A to B but not necessarily B to A?