The Inventor Behind a Rush of AI Copyright Suits Is Trying to Show His Bot Is Sentient::Stephen Thaler’s series of high-profile copyright cases has made headlines worldwide. He’s done it to demonstrate his AI is capable of independent thought.

    02 years ago

    Jealousy in the biblical sense means being fiercely protective of one’s domain and prerogatives, and exclusionary to the point of not tolerating any other options. It’s not jealousy in the human-to-human sense.

      12 years ago

      jealous jĕl′əs adjective

      1. Envious or resentful of the good fortune or achievements of another.
      2. Fearful or wary of losing one’s position or situation to someone else, especially in a sexual relationship.
      3. Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness.

      I understand you’re not mentally sound so this is a waste of time but for your sake I’m going to let you know, you are speaking gibberish.

      People do not eat sentient animals out of jealousy.

      Your nonsensical religious definition has nothing to do with why people eat sentient animals.