Seriously launched the app (by accident today) and what is this? They’re trying to play the victim from the big bad ad blockers saying all they’re doing is trying to show an ad at the beginning of video, and then I see all of this crap.

This was after a non-skippable ad at the beginning followed by a totally real “survey” that it wanted me to fill out, one interruption so far in the content, and now three ads on the screen. That’s 45% of the screen dedicated to ads. Freaking ridiculous. “But please turn off your ad blocker”.

  • ArugulaZ
    771 year ago

    Google, currently embroiled in an anti-trust lawsuit for having too much control over the internet, is pleading poverty. How amusing.

      191 year ago

      Aw come on, Google is just a little down on their luck is all. Besides they only made close to $300,000,000,000 this year. Barely enough to put food on the table! /s