I’m kinda new to linux, however I seem to remember running a headless ububtu server years back. Also remember it took a long time to setup being my first headless server.

So, to my current issues. I just installed mint on an old pc and just want to use it to run my security cams, store the files, and host my nas. Took me over 6 hours to get the raid setup properly, so much differing information on ‘how to’ for noobs like myself, but managed to get it working and moving files over to raid file now.

Coming from mostly windows crap most of my life, its confusing where and how the raid is setup, and honestly I’m still not convinced I did it right, but everything I check says it is, and I’m sure it knows better than I do.

Ok, now the issue, how in the ever lovin shit can I just share that stupid folder/disk to my network. 90% of the options are greyed out while looking at the properties tab, and need sudo access to change it, so whats the point in having the gui? Am I just dumb and smoked way too many doobies? Got samba installed, but not configured yet, only cause I ran across much more conflicting info, some said in mint its easy like windows…right click and share that shit, easy right? Even I didn’t think so, and I’m ok with that, I’m really sick of windows and want to convert all the pc’s but damn…stiff learning curve.

Don’t get me wrong, I ran DOS back in the day, and I was not bad at it, better than your normal user at the time but by no means a power user. So I should be able to grab the concept quickly, but I am failing. Total of 12 hrs on this now and considering just putting win7 back on this pig and giving up.

I know no one can give me direct answers, and not looking for tech support, but looking for advice so im not wanting to ‘hulk smash’ this thing

  • @bizdelnick@lemmy.ml
    101 year ago

    The main thing you are doing wrong is reading howto articles in the web. Most of them are written by newbies who did the thing they describe for the first time, got something likely working and want to describe this for themselwes an for the other world. This does not mean they did everything right, and howtos usually contain numerous mistakes. Better read official documentation. This will take longer time but you will understand what you do. I don’t know if Mint has GUI tools to configure samba server. I would better edit config file manually, it is more or less simple.