• tygerprints
    -81 year ago

    Men (yes I’m generalizing again) have this chauvinistic idea that if women talk to them or approach them it must have some sexual meaning, or be a prelude to something physical. I do that too with women - and I’m gay! I think we just grow up seeing women as objects for sex so, if they are nice to us, it must mean something more than just that they’re being nice to us.

    I hear men say all the time that they can’t “just be friends” with a woman. Yet, I have close friends from high school (back in the 80s) that are women and that I hang out and it’s not a sexual thing at all. The trick to being someone’s friend is - you have to be a friend to them also, not someone hoping it will turn into a sexual fling. Women are great - extremely attractive, my first sexual trysts were all with women and I loved it, but I learned to differentiate between friends and one-night stands.

    Just a few random thoughts - not saying that all men have the same exact experiences or feelings necessarily.

    • IzzyScissor
      91 year ago

      So, you objectify women, but you’re gay, but you have sex with women, but aren’t sexual with them, but find them extremely attractive, but…

      What is the point here?

      • Bunnylux
        151 year ago

        There is no point. He just wanted to hear himself talk.

        • tygerprints
          -31 year ago

          Yeah well I had to take a break from eating out your mom’s maggoty cunt, bunnylux (and we know why you call yourself that). Have a nice day, scumbag!

      • tygerprints
        -11 year ago

        The point here is that I’m a man and all you just said about me can honestly be said about any man anywhere (about objectifying others especailly). And no I do not have sex with women now, and I haven’t since I was in my 20s (which is over 40 years now).

        Seems like all you people want is to try to find negativity in everything and a way to put people down, no matter what. It’s no wonder to me you have no actual relationships with any other humans, your generation is the worst by far.